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Foren-Übersicht » Kleinanzeigen » Unterkünfte Aktuelle Zeit: 12.02.25, 22:38

589$ shared full furnished room close to SDSU 1 Beitrag

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Verfasst: 07.11.12, 10:43
This ad is for a shared bedroom in the famous 5025 student-dorm. I´m studying at SDSU for one Semester. I have a 1 year lease till the 7/30/13 for which I´m searching for an new renter from 12/21/12. (also later)

So your advantage ist hat you don´t have to make a 1 year lease and you just pay 589/month.

If you want to move in earlyer or later don´t dare to ask me. Maybe we can figure something out.


The whole apartment consists out of two shared bedrooms with each one refurbished bathroom and one large fully equiped kitchen and an livingroom with COX-TV, Flatscreen and XBOX360 ☺. The apartment is also equiped with a washing machine, and a dryer.

Your bedroom will be furnished with a queen-sized-bed a table with chair a large closet and other possibilities to store your stuff.

In 5025 you will have a pool, a gym, free WIFI and a lot of kind possible friends.

Roomates and atmosphere:

Your roomates will be 3 american college-students in the age between 19-20. It is realy easy and funny to live together with them and you shouldn´t have any problems.
The atmosphere in the whole student-dorm is a good. So you can make party and meet a lot of new people as well as live quiet and comfortable because the room is on a very quiet position.

For more information about this dorm you can visit [Link veraltet]


5 minutes to busstation (directions: Downtown, SDSU)
20 minutes to walk to SDSU
5 minutes with car
10 minutes to La Mesa College via car

To La Mesa and SDSU shuttlebuses are driving regularly too.

If you are interested or have any questions just write me an email

Talk to you soon,


PS: This is the link from craigslist with pictures of my apartment: [Link veraltet]