University of Essex
Colchester, GroßbritannienBewerbungsschritte
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Erfahrungsberichte zu dieser Hochschule
38 Bewertungen
Im Jahr 1964, einem Jahr des Umbruchs und der Innovationen, vor allem auch auf dem Bildungsmarkt, wurde die renommierte University of Essex gegründet. Bis heute konnte sie stetig an Profil hinzugewinnen und legt besonders viel Wert auf das hohe Niveau von Forschung und Lehre. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Wissensvermittlung, die auf eine Weise vonstatten geht, von der alle Beteiligten profitieren.
Die akademischen Fachbereiche der University of Essex umfassen Economics, Health, Humanities, Law, Science sowie Social Sciences. Bekannt sind vor allem die Abteilungen Politics und Sociology, die unter den besten ihres Bereichs weltweit sind (World University Rankings by Subject 2018).
Die Hochschule kann seit mehr als 50 Jahren auch auf einige weitere Erfolge zurückblicken; so erhielt sie Gold im Teaching Exellence Framework (TEF 2017). Außerdem erzielte sie Platz 22 im The Times Good University Guide 2018 und wurde von den prestigeträchtigen Times Higher Education Awards zur "University of the Year" 2018 gekürt. Im Jahr 2017 hat sie zudem den Queen's Anniversary Prize für die weltbeste Forschung des Institute for Social and Economic Research erhalten. Dass die Studenten von der University of Essex begeistert sind, zeigt sich am National Student Survey: Sie zählt zu den Top 15 aller Universitäten in Großbritannien (NSS 2017).
An der University of Essex wird besonders auf die internationale Ausrichtung geachtet und darauf viel Internationalität zu bewahren. Nicht zuletzt deshalb studieren hier relativ viele Studenten aus 147 verschiedenen Ländern, die die Universität vor allem aufgrund ihrer guten akademischen Reputation gewählt haben. Außerdem pflegt die University of Essex weltweite Kooperationen mit akademischen Institutionen und internationalen Unternehmen aus der freien Wirtschaft, die für beide Seiten vorteilhaft sind.
Gründungsjahr: 1964
Hochschultyp: Staatliche Hochschule
Anzahl Studenten: Gesamt 13194 , 10701 Undergraduate, 2493 Postgraduate, International 5000
- ACCA (Association of Certified Chartered Accountants)
- CABS (Chartered Association of Business Schools)
- CILT(UK) (The Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in the UK)
- CIMA (Chartered Institute of Management Accountants)
- CIPD (Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development)
- CMI (Chartered Management Institute)
- ICAEW (Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales)
- PRME (UN Principles for Responsible Management Education)
Das Studienjahr an der University of Essex ist in drei Terms unterteilt, wobei im Rahmen des Semesterprogramms der Spring und der Summer Term nur zusammen belegt werden können.
Autumn Term 2025: Anfang Oktober 2025 - Mitte Dezember 2025
- Academic Gap Year
- Aufbaustudium
- Auslandssemester
- Bachelorstudium
- Masterstudium
- Promotion
- Summer Sessions
Über die folgenden Links gelangt ihr zum Kurskatalog und ggf. Stundenplan dieser Hochschule. Während der Kurskatalog vor allem einen Gesamtüberblick der angebotenen Studiengänge und ihres Curriculums liefert, findet ihr im Stundenplan die in den einzelnen Semestern tatsächlich angebotenen Kurse. Für Fragen zum Kursangebot stehen wir euch natürlich immer gern zur Verfügung.
Die University of Essex hat mittlerweile drei Standorte: den Colchester Campus, den Southend Campus und den East 15, Loughton Campus, wo sich die East 15 Acting School befindet. Der Standort in Southend ist im Zentrum von Southend-on-Sea beheimatet. Hier bieten einige Fachbereiche der Universität ebenfalls Studiengänge an.
Ursprünglich aber wurde die Universität auf dem Colchester Campus gegründet, der als Hauptcampus gilt. Dieser liegt im Wivenhoe Park, und von hier aus sind es lediglich knapp 20 Kilometer bis zu Englands Ostküste.
Der Colchester Campus ist sogar bereits von dem bekannten Maler John Constable porträtiert worden, denn das Gelände vereint weitläufige Grünflächen mit der typischen Architektur der 60er Jahre, aber auch ein Gebäude aus dem 18. Jahrhundert ist hier zu finden. Abgerundet wird das Bild durch zwei Seen auf dem Gelände.
Als Vorbild für die Architektur diente der toskanische Ort San Gimignano mit seinen vielen Türmen und Quadraten. Interessant ist auch, dass die Universität als eine von wenigen noch einen funktionierenden Paternoster-Aufzug in Betrieb hat. Als Kontrast zu diesen Gebäuden kann man zum Beispiel die moderne Ivor Crewe Lecture Hall mit über 1000 Plätzen sehen, die erst vor wenigen Jahren eröffnet wurde.
Studenten der University of Essex können auf dem Campus wohnen.
Folgende Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl:
- Studentenwohnheim
- Apartment auf dem Campus
Die konkrete Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten kann je nach Studienprogramm variieren. Detaillierte Informationen findet ihr über die Links oder in der "Gratisbroschüre" zum jeweiligen Programm. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.
Die Hochschulstadt Colchester
Die historische Stadt Colchester liegt in der englischen Grafschaft Essex und hat etwa 110 000 Einwohner. Sie gilt als eine der am schnellsten wachsenden Städte Englands, was die Bevölkerung angeht, und beansprucht den Titel der ältesten Stadt Großbritanniens für sich. Bis nach London sind es lediglich 100 Kilometer, so dass man von hier aus auch das Flair der Metropole erleben kann. Der Londoner Flughafen Stansted befindet sich sogar nur 45 Kilometer entfernt. Die Gegend um Colchester ist eine der trockensten in ganz England und verfügt über ein ozeanisches Klima.
Viele Gebäude in Colchester sind viktorianischen Ursprungs, und momentan bemüht man sich darum, als Weltkulturerbe anerkannt zu werden. Bereits seit römischen Zeiten diente die Stadt als Garnisonsstadt, was sich bis heute durch die Geschichte gezogen hat. Aber auch kulturell hat Colchester einiges zu bieten, zum Beispiel Museen wie das Castle Museum im Colchester Castle oder das Natural History Museum, das Mercury Theatre, verschiedene Livemusikbühnen und vieles mehr. Außerdem kann man den Colchester Zoo besuchen.
Aktuellste News zur Hochschule
Last Minute ins Auslandssemester: Jetzt noch schnell für diesen Herbst bewerben!
Ein spannendes Auslandsabenteuer klingt verlockend? Nach dem doch sehr wechselhaften Wetter der letzten Wochen willst du lieber einen "Endless Summer" in einem anderen Land verbringen, neue Menschen kennenlernen und spannende Kulturen erleben? Dann haben wir tolle Neuigkeiten für dich!
Bei vielen unserer Partnerhochschulen sind die Bewerbungsfristen für ein Auslandssemester oder Academic Gap Year im Herbst 2024 noch nicht verstrichen. Bewirb dich jetzt!
Traumhochschule gefunden?
Ansonsten haben wir noch viele weitere Hochschulen im Angebot, schau einfach mal rein! Wir beraten dich gern zu deinen Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland.
- Academic Gap Year
- Aufbaustudium
- Auslandssemester
- Bachelorstudium
- Masterstudium
- Promotion
- Summer Sessions
An allen drei Standorten der University of Essex werden viele unterschiedliche Bachelorstudiengänge angeboten. In der Regel haben sie eine Dauer von drei Jahren, was ein Vorteil gegenüber der sonst üblichen längeren Dauer ist, aber einige können auch in vier Jahren absolviert werden. In der Regel gehört dann ein Auslandsjahr zum Studium.
Sie stammen aus Bereichen wie Entrepreneurship and Business, Literature, Sports and Exercise Science, Biology and Ecology und vielen anderen.
Die Studiengebühren für die Bachelorstudiengänge der University of Essex belaufen sich für Studierende aus EU-Länder auf £9250 pro Jahr.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Wer einen Bachelorstudiengang belegen möchte, muss ein gutes Abitur vorweisen können. Außerdem gehört ein Nachweis über ausreichende Englischkenntnisse zu den Aufnahmebedingungen, der mit einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS oder TOEFL erbracht wird.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | |
IELTS | 6.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting (International)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Community Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Contemporary Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Stage Combat
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American History (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies - United States
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies - United States (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies with Film
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies with Film (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History and History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History and History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Producing
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology and American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology and American Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology and the Media
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology and the Media (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology with Social Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology with Social Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with French
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with French (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with German
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with German (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Italian (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Portuguese
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Portuguese (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Spanish (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Elections, Public Opinions and Parties
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Elections, Public Opinions and Parties (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and United States Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and United States Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and English Language Teaching
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and English Language Teaching (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with French
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with German
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Creative Writing (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in French Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in German Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Film Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Literature (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Rights (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Development
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Development (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations and Modern Languages (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Italian Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies with Business Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Law and Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Law and Human Rights (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Arts (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Art History (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Myth
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Myth (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Myth (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Management Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Management Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Management Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media, Culture and Society
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media, Culture and Society (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media, Culture and Society (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and International Relations (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and English Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages with Latin American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages with Professional Skills
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Art History (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Art History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and History (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and History (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Law
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Law (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Literature (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Literature (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Physical Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Law
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Law (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social and Community Development
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social and Community Development (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social and Community Development (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Criminology (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Criminology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Liberal Arts (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Management (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Politics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Human Rights (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Psychosocial Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Psychosocial Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Social Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Social Anthropology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish Studies with Latin American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Stage and Production Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations - Adult
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in World Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in (Hons) Events Management with Hospitality
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts in Global Studies with Politics
- Bachelor of Arts in International Development
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Film
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics with Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in Theatre-making
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Networks
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Networks (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Networks (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Systems Engineering (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Systems Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computers with Electronics
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computers with Electronics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computers with Electronics (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computers with Electronics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Telecommunication Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Telecommunication Engineering (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Telecommunication Engineering (Including Placement Year
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Telecommunication Engineering (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Robotic Engineering
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in English and French Law – Maitrise
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Human Rights
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Philosophy
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Politics
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Laws
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Laws (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Management (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Management (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting with Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting with Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting with Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Science (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance with a Modern Language
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking, Finance and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Management (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Management (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics with Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance with Mandarin
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Management (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Management (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Genetics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Genetics (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Genetics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Care
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in History with Film Studies (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Literature and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Marketing (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Marketing (With Work-Based Placement)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management with Mandarin
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management with Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management with Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management, Mathematics and Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management, Mathematics and Economics (4 Years Including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management, Mathematics and Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Biology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics and Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics and Liberal Arts (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics for Secondary Teaching
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics for Secondary Teaching (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with a Modern Language
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with a Modern Language (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Computing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Computing (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Economics (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Physics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Physics (Including Year Abroad) - Subject to Approval
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics, Cryptography and Network Security
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics, Cryptography and Network Security (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing - Mental Health
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing – Adult
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Social Psychology and Sociology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Social Psychology and Sociology (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports and Exercise Science (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Therapy
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Therapy (Including Placement Year)
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Therapy (Including Year Abroad)
- Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence
- Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Environmental Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Global Sustainability
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Sports and Exercise Science (including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Performance and Coaching
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Performance and Coaching (including Foundation Year)
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
Masterstudiengänge gibt es an der University of Essex in zwei Varianten: die "normalen" Masterstudiengänge, bei denen man am regulären Unterricht teilnimmt und die Research-Studiengänge, bei denen man seinen Masterabschluss durch Forschung erlangt.
Sie dauern in der Regel ein bis zwei Jahre und vertiefen, die während des Bachelorstudiums erlernten Inhalte. Forschungsarbeit kann man in allen erdenklichen Richtungen betreiben, sofern die Lehrpersonen mit dem vorgeschlagenen Thema einverstanden sind.
Die angebotenen Studiengänge stammen unter anderem aus Bereichen wie Management, Psychology, Computer Science, Acting, Law, History, Entrepreneurship and Business und vielen anderen. Unter ihnen sind auch etwas ausgefallenere Studienrichtungen, zum Beispiel Gallery Studies, Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies oder Ideology and Discourse Analysis, die man nicht unbedingt an jeder Hochschule findet.
Die Studiengebühren für reguläre Masterstudiengänge sind je nach Fachrichtung sehr unterschiedlich. Genauere Informationen bietet der folgende Link.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Bewerber für einen Masterstudiengang benötigen einen Bachelorabschluss, der aber nicht immer unbedingt aus dem gleichen Bereich stammen muss. Für einige Research-Programme muss man im ersten Abschluss sehr gute Leistungen vorweisen können.
Darüber hinaus benötigen internationale Studenten einen Nachweis über ausreichende Englischkenntnisse, den sie anhand einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS oder TOEFL erbringen. Im Folgenden sind lediglich die niedrigsten Werte genannt.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
IELTS | 6.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Coursework
- Master of Arts in Acting
- Master of Arts in Acting for Digital Media
- Master of Arts in Advertising, Marketing and the Media
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Art History and Theory
- Master of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
- Master of Arts in Comparative Psychoanalytic and Jungian Studies
- Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution
- Master of Arts in Continental Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing
- Master of Arts in Curating Contemporary Art
- Master of Arts in English Language and Literature
- Master of Arts in Environmental Governance - The Natural World, Science and Society
- Master of Arts in Ethics, Politics and Public Policy
- Master of Arts in Film and Literature
- Master of Arts in Film Studies
- Master of Arts in Filmmaking
- Master of Arts in Gallery Studies and Critical Curating
- Master of Arts in Gallery Studies with Dissertation
- Master of Arts in Global and Comparative Politics
- Master of Arts in Health and Organisational Research
- Master of Arts in History
- Master of Arts in Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
- Master of Arts in Ideology and Discourse Analysis
- Master of Arts in International Relations
- Master of Arts in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies
- Master of Arts in Linguistic Studies
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Literature
- Master of Arts in Longitudinal Social Research
- Master of Arts in Management and Organisational Dynamics
- Master of Arts in Multilevel Governance in Europe
- Master of Arts in Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious
- Master of Arts in Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
- Master of Arts in Playwriting
- Master of Arts in Political Behaviour
- Master of Arts in Political Economy
- Master of Arts in Political Science
- Master of Arts in Political Theory
- Master of Arts in Politics
- Master of Arts in Professional Practice
- Master of Arts in Psychoanalytic Social Observation
- Master of Arts in Psychoanalytic Studies
- Master of Arts in Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
- Master of Arts in Psychosocial Studies
- Master of Arts in Public Opinion and Polling
- Master of Arts in Refugee Care
- Master of Arts in Social and Political Thought
- Master of Arts in Social Work and Human Rights
- Master of Arts in Sociolinguistics
- Master of Arts in Sociolinguistics of the Arab World
- Master of Arts in Sociological Research
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Sociology and Management
- Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language / English Language Teaching
- Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master of Arts in Theatre
- Master of Arts in Theatre Directing
- Master of Arts in Theory and Practice of Human Rights
- Master of Arts in Translation and Literature
- Master of Arts in Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling
- Master of Arts in Wild Writing: Literature and the Environment
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Fine Arts in Acting
- Master of Fine Arts in Acting for Digital Media
- Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Directing
- Master of Laws in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Master of Laws in European Union Law
- Master of Laws in International Business Law
- Master of Laws in International Commercial Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law
- Master of Laws in International Trade Law
- Master of Laws in Internet Law
- Master of Science in Accounting
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Economics
- Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management
- Master of Science in Accounting and Management
- Master of Science in Advanced Computer Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Web Engineering
- Master of Science in Applied Economics and Data Analysis
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Big Data and Text Analytics
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Business Management (MBM)
- Master of Science in Cancer Biology
- Master of Science in Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Master of Science in Cloud Computing
- Master of Science in Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Master of Science in Computational Economics, Financial Markets and Policy
- Master of Science in Computational Finance
- Master of Science in Computer Engineering
- Master of Science in Computer Networks and Security
- Master of Science in Conflict Resolution
- Master of Science in Criminology and Socio-Legal Research
- Master of Science in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
- Master of Science in Economics
- Master of Science in Economics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Master of Science in Embedded Systems
- Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Master of Science in Finance
- Master of Science in Finance and Investment
- Master of Science in Finance and Management
- Master of Science in Financial and Business Economics
- Master of Science in Financial Computing
- Master of Science in Financial Decision Making with Applications
- Master of Science in Financial Econometrics
- Master of Science in Financial Economics
- Master of Science in Financial Economics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management
- Master of Science in Global and Comparative Politics
- Master of Science in Global Project Management
- Master of Science in Health Research
- Master of Science in High Frequency Finance and Trading
- Master of Science in Human Rights and Research Methods
- Master of Science in Intelligent Systems and Robotics
- Master of Science in International Accounting
- Master of Science in International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in International Economics
- Master of Science in International Finance
- Master of Science in International Management
- Master of Science in International Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in International Relations
- Master of Science in Language and the Brain
- Master of Science in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Master of Science in Management
- Master of Science in Management
- Master of Science in Management - Advertising and Corporate Communications
- Master of Science in Management - International
- Master of Science in Management - Leadership
- Master of Science in Management - Marketing
- Master of Science in Management Economics
- Master of Science in Marine Science and Sustainable Development
- Master of Science in Marketing and Brand Management
- Master of Science in Mathematics and Finance
- Master of Science in Molecular Medicine
- Master of Science in Multilevel Governance in Europe
- Master of Science in Nursing
- Master of Science in Nursing - Adult
- Master of Science in Nursing -Mental Health
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Master of Science in Operational Research and Computer Science
- Master of Science in Organisation Studies and International Human Resource Management
- Master of Science in Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security
- Master of Science in Physiotherapy
- Master of Science in Political Behaviour
- Master of Science in Political Economy
- Master of Science in Political Science
- Master of Science in Psychology
- Master of Science in Public Opinion and Polling
- Master of Science in Research Methods in Psychology
- Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in Speech and Language Therapy
- Master of Science in Statistics and Computer Science
- Master of Science in Statistics and Data Analysis
- Master of Science in Statistics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Statistics and Operational Research
- Master of Science in Survey Methods for Social Research
- Master of Science in Telecommunication and Information Systems
- Master of Science in Tropical Marine Biology
- Master of Science in Work, Organisation and Society
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Research
- Master of Research in Accounting, Finance and Management
- Master of Research in Analysing Language Use
- Master of Research in Experimental Linguistics
- Master of Research in International Relations
- Master of Research in Linguistics
- Master of Research in Political Economy
- Master of Research in Politics
Bei den an der University of Essex angebotenen doktoralen Studiengängen handelt es sich um Doctors of Philosophy, bei denen man sich in ein Spezialgebiet vertieft und dazu eine Forschungsarbeit verfasst.
Die Studiengänge sind unterschiedlich lang, und anschließend können die Absolventen je nach gewähltem Abschluss zum Beispiel in die Forschungsarbeit einsteigen. Auch eine universitäre Anstellung ist möglich.
Die Studiengebühren unterscheiden sich je nach Studienfach und Abschluss. Genaueres findet man unter dem folgenden Link.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Für einen doktoralen Abschluss benötigt man in der Regel einen Masterabschluss oder einen guten Bachelor of Honours. Die Voraussetzungen sind aber je nach Studiengang unterschiedlich.
Internationale Studenten müssen darüber hinaus einen Nachweis über ausreichende Englischkenntnisse anhand einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS oder TOEFL erbringen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
IELTS | 6.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting
- Doctor of Philosophy in Analysing Language Use
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Mathematics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Physics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Social and Economic Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Art History and Theory
- Doctor of Philosophy in Bio-Statistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry
- Doctor of Philosophy in Bioinformatics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences: Immunology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Cell and Molecular Biology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Chemical Biology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Computational Finance
- Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science
- Doctor of Philosophy in Computing and Electronic Systems
- Doctor of Philosophy in Creative Writing
- Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology and Socio-Legal Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Economics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Electronic Systems Engineering
- Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Teaching
- Doctor of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship
- Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Governance
- Doctor of Philosophy in Environmental Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Experimental Linguistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Film Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Film Studies (Creative Practice)
- Doctor of Philosophy in Finance
- Doctor of Philosophy in Government
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health and Organisational Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in History
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Rights
- Doctor of Philosophy in Human Rights and Research Methods
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law
- Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Literature
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management
- Doctor of Philosophy in Management Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Marine Biology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematical Biology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Microbiology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Molecular Medicine
- Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Occupational Therapy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Operational Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Physiotherapy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychoanalytic Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psycholinguistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Public Health
- Doctor of Philosophy in Pure Mathematics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Refugee Care
- Doctor of Philosophy in Social Policy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sociolinguistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sociological Research
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sociology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Speech and Language Therapy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Medicine
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sport and Exercise Science
- Doctor of Philosophy in Statistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Survey Methodology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Theatre Studies (Playwriting)
Die University of Essex bietet viele Aufbaustudiengänge in Form von Graduate Certificates und Diplomas, Postgraduate Certificates und Postgraduate Diplomas an. Sie stammen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen, zum Beispiel Health Care Management, Mathematics, European Union Law, Statistics and Data Analysis und viele andere.
Aufbaustudiengänge dienen in der Regel als Fortbildungsmaßnahmen auf hohem Niveau im Postgraduate-Bereich. Unter Umständen kann man sich erbrachte Leistungen auch auf ein nachfolgendes Masterstudium anrechnen lassen.
Die Studiengebühren sind je nach Fachrichtung und Studiendauer verschieden. Genaue Informationen können unter dem folgenden Link eingesehen werden.
Für die Teilnahme an einem Aufbaustudiengang gibt es verschiedene Voraussetzungen wie einen ersten akademischen Abschluss, Berufserfahrung oder Ähnliches, je nach Studiengang.
Auch die erwarteten Englischkenntnisse sind je nach Niveau des angestrebten Studiengangs unterschiedlich. Genannt werden die niedrigsten ausreichenden Punktzahlen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
IELTS | 6.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Graduate Certificate in English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Certificate in Psychological Well-Being Practitioner
- Graduate Certificate in Sociology
- Graduate Diploma in Accounting with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Applied Linguistics with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Art History and Theory
- Graduate Diploma in Art History with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Biotechnology with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Computer Science with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Economics
- Graduate Diploma in Economics with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Entrepreneurship and Innovation with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in European Union Law with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Finance with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in History with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in International Business Law with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in International Commercial Law with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in International Trade Law with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Management with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Mathematics
- Graduate Diploma in Philosophy with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Politics
- Graduate Diploma in Politics with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Psychoanalytic Studies with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in Psychodynamic Approaches
- Graduate Diploma in Psychological Studies with English for Academic Purposes
- Graduate Diploma in UK Human Rights and Public Law with English for Academic Purposes
- Postgraduate Certificate in History
- Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Well-Being Practitioner
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Postgraduate Diploma Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
- Postgraduate Diploma in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
- Postgraduate Diploma in European Union Law
- Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Decision Making with Applications
- Postgraduate Diploma in International Trade Law
- Postgraduate Diploma in Internet Law
- Postgraduate Diploma in Management and Organisational Dynamics
- Postgraduate Diploma in Mathematics and Finance
- Postgraduate Diploma in Operational Research and Computer Science
- Postgraduate Diploma in Social Work
- Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Computer Science
- Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Data Analysis
- Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Econometrics
- Postgraduate Diploma in Statistics and Operational Research
- Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Postgraduate Diploma in UK Human Rights and Public Law
Wer eine Zeit lang in England studieren möchte, kann an der University of Essex am Study Abroad Programme teilnehmen, bei dem man ein bis drei Terms an der Universität verbringt und in den regulären Kursen studiert. Dabei haben Studierende die freie Wahl unter allen angebotenen Kursen der Bachelor- und Masterstudiengänge.
Darüber hinaus bietet die Uni das British Studies Programme an, das dir Gelegenheit gibt, neben Kursen aus deinem eigenen Studienfach auch Kurse zu wählen, die dir tolle Einblicke in die britische Gesellschaft, Politik und Kultur geben.
Nach Absprache mit der Heimatuniversität lassen sich die erbrachten Studienleistungen unter Umständen für das weitere Studium anrechnen, sodass dadurch keinerlei Zeitverlust entsteht. Dabei sollte man allerdings genau die Kurswahl mit der zuständigen Stelle an der Heimatuniversität absprechen.
Autumn Term 2025Tuition6560,00 GBP
Für Studierende aus der EU gelten aufgrund des Brexits ab September 2021 nicht mehr die vergünstigen Studiengebühren für UK/Home Students. Es ist daher damit zu rechnen, dass die Studiengebühren ansteigen werden. Die endgültigen Gebühren für den Autumn Term der University of Essex sind zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht bekannt.
Zur Finanzierung des Auslandssemesters an der University of Essex können Studierende zum Beispiel Auslands-BAföG beantragen. Dafür muss ein individueller Anspruch auf Förderung bestehen. Neben einem Zuschuss zu den Studiengebühren in Höhe von bis zu EUR 5.600 beinhaltet es Unterstützung bei den Lebenshaltungs- und Reisekosten sowie der Krankenversicherung.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Wer am Study Abroad Programme teilnehmen möchte, sollte bereits an einer Universität eingeschrieben sein und mindestens ein Jahr studiert haben. Je nach Kurswahl müssen außerdem die Voraussetzungen der jeweiligen Kurse erfüllt werden.
Bewerber, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, müssen zudem ausreichend gute Sprachkenntnisse nachweisen. Dies kann über einen standardisierten Sprachtest wie den TOEFL oder IELTS erfolgen.
Wer Englisch im Abitur hatte und in der gesamten Oberstufe konstant mindestens 10 Punkte erzielt hat, braucht keinen separaten Sprachnachweis einzureichen - eine Kopie des Abiturzeugnisses genügt, genau wie ein Nachweis über ein mindestens zu 50% englischsprachiges Studium.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | |
Bescheinigung der Heimathochschule | Nachweis über mindestens 50% englischsprachiges Studium | Nachweis über mindestens 50% englischsprachiges Studium |
IELTS | 6.0 (kein Bereich unter 5.5) | 6.5 (kein Bereich unter 5.5) |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 (17 in Listening, 18 in Reading, 20 in Speaking & 17 in Writing) | 88 (min. Reading 18 Listening 17 Speaking 20 Writing 26) |
Der Sprachnachweis kann bis zum Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist nachgereicht werden.
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Community Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Contemporary Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Acting and Stage Combat
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies - United States
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in American Studies with Film
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History and History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Art History and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Business Management with a Modern Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology and American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Criminology with Social Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Drama and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with French
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with German
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Portuguese
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Economics with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Elections, Public Opinions and Parties
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English and United States Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and English Language Teaching
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with French
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with German
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in European Studies with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Film Studies and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in French Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in German Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in History with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Hotel Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Development
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in International Relations and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Italian Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Language Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies with Business Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Latin American Studies with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Law and Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Linguistics and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Myth
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Literature with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Management Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Media, Culture and Society
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and International Relations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern History and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and English Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages and Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages with Latin American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Modern Languages with Professional Skills
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Art History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and History
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Law
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy with Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Physical Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Political Economics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Law
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Politics with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Portuguese Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Social and Community Development
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Management
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology and Politics
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Human Rights
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Psychosocial Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Sociology with Social Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish Studies and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish Studies with Latin American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Stage Management and Technical Theatre
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations - Adult
- Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in World Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Drama and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Film
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Networks
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Computers with Electronics
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) in Telecommunication Engineering
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in English and French Law – Maitrise
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Human Rights
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Philosophy
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Law and Politics
- Bachelor of Laws (Honours) in Laws
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Accounting with Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Actuarial Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Banking and Finance with a Modern Language
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biological Sciences
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Biomedical Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Business Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Games
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Computing and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Economics with Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance and Modern Languages
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Finance with Mandarin
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Financial Management
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Genetics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Health Care
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in International Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Literature and Sociology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management and Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management with Mandarin
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management with Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Management, Mathematics and Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Marketing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics and Liberal Arts
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics for Secondary Teaching
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with a Modern Language
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Computing
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Economics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics with Physics
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mathematics, Cryptography and Network Security
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing - Mental Health
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Nursing – Adult
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Social Psychology and Sociology
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports and Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Sports Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Artificial Intelligence
- Bachelor of Science in Ecology and Environmental Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Global Sustainability
- British Studies Programme
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
- Master of Arts in Acting
- Master of Arts in Advertising, Marketing and the Media
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Art History and Theory
- Master of Arts in Chinese-English Translation and Interpreting
- Master of Arts in Comparative Psychoanalytic and Jungian Studies
- Master of Arts in Conflict Resolution
- Master of Arts in Continental Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing
- Master of Arts in Curating Contemporary Art
- Master of Arts in English Language and Literature
- Master of Arts in Environmental Governance - The Natural World, Science and Society
- Master of Arts in Ethics, Politics and Public Policy
- Master of Arts in Film and Literature
- Master of Arts in Film Studies
- Master of Arts in Filmmaking
- Master of Arts in Gallery Studies and Critical Curating
- Master of Arts in Gallery Studies with Dissertation
- Master of Arts in Global and Comparative Politics
- Master of Arts in Health and Organisational Research
- Master of Arts in History
- Master of Arts in Human Rights and Cultural Diversity
- Master of Arts in Ideology and Discourse Analysis
- Master of Arts in International Relations
- Master of Arts in Jungian and Post-Jungian Studies
- Master of Arts in Linguistic Studies
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Literature
- Master of Arts in Longitudinal Social Research
- Master of Arts in Management and Organisational Dynamics
- Master of Arts in Multilevel Governance in Europe
- Master of Arts in Myth, Literature, and the Unconscious
- Master of Arts in Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Philosophy and Psychoanalysis
- Master of Arts in Playwriting
- Master of Arts in Political Behaviour
- Master of Arts in Political Economy
- Master of Arts in Political Science
- Master of Arts in Political Theory
- Master of Arts in Politics
- Master of Arts in Professional Practice
- Master of Arts in Psychoanalytic Social Observation
- Master of Arts in Psychoanalytic Studies
- Master of Arts in Psycholinguistics and Neurolinguistics
- Master of Arts in Psychosocial Studies
- Master of Arts in Public Opinion and Polling
- Master of Arts in Refugee Care
- Master of Arts in Sociolinguistics
- Master of Arts in Sociolinguistics of the Arab World
- Master of Arts in Sociological Research
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Sociology and Management
- Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language / English Language Teaching
- Master of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Master of Arts in Theatre
- Master of Arts in Theatre Directing
- Master of Arts in Theory and Practice of Human Rights
- Master of Arts in Translation and Literature
- Master of Arts in Translation, Interpreting and Subtitling
- Master of Arts in Wild Writing: Literature and the Environment
- Master of Business Administration
- Master of Fine Arts in Acting
- Master of Fine Arts in Theatre Directing
- Master of Laws in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Master of Laws in European Union Law
- Master of Laws in International Business Law
- Master of Laws in International Commercial Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law
- Master of Laws in International Trade Law
- Master of Laws in Internet Law
- Master of Laws in UK Human Rights and Public Law
- Master of Science in Accounting
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Economics
- Master of Science in Accounting and Financial Management
- Master of Science in Accounting and Management
- Master of Science in Advanced Computer Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Web Engineering
- Master of Science in Applied Economics and Data Analysis
- Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Big Data and Text Analytics
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Master of Science in Cloud Computing
- Master of Science in Cognitive Neuropsychology
- Master of Science in Cognitive Neuroscience
- Master of Science in Computational Economics, Financial Markets and Policy
- Master of Science in Computational Finance
- Master of Science in Computer Engineering
- Master of Science in Computer Networks and Security
- Master of Science in Conflict Resolution
- Master of Science in Criminology and Socio-Legal Research
- Master of Science in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications
- Master of Science in Economics
- Master of Science in Economics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Master of Science in Embedded Systems
- Master of Science in Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Master of Science in Environmental Governance - The Natural World, Science and Society
- Master of Science in Environmental Resource Management
- Master of Science in Finance
- Master of Science in Finance and Investment
- Master of Science in Finance and Management
- Master of Science in Financial and Business Economics
- Master of Science in Financial Computing
- Master of Science in Financial Decision Making with Applications
- Master of Science in Financial Econometrics
- Master of Science in Financial Economics
- Master of Science in Financial Economics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Financial Engineering and Risk Management
- Master of Science in Global and Comparative Politics
- Master of Science in Global Project Management
- Master of Science in High Frequency Finance and Trading
- Master of Science in Human Rights and Research Methods
- Master of Science in Intelligent Systems and Robotics
- Master of Science in International Accounting
- Master of Science in International Business and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in International Economics
- Master of Science in International Finance
- Master of Science in International Management
- Master of Science in International Marketing and Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in International Relations
- Master of Science in Language and the Brain
- Master of Science in Management
- Master of Science in Management Economics
- Master of Science in Marketing and Brand Management
- Master of Science in Mathematics and Finance
- Master of Science in Molecular Medicine
- Master of Science in Multilevel Governance in Europe
- Master of Science in Nursing - Adult
- Master of Science in Nursing -Mental Health
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Master of Science in Operational Research and Computer Science
- Master of Science in Organisation Studies and International Human Resource Management
- Master of Science in Organised Crime, Terrorism and Security
- Master of Science in Physiotherapy
- Master of Science in Political Behaviour
- Master of Science in Political Economy
- Master of Science in Political Science
- Master of Science in Psychology
- Master of Science in Public Opinion and Polling
- Master of Science in Research Methods in Psychology
- Master of Science in Social Entrepreneurship
- Master of Science in Speech and Language Therapy
- Master of Science in Statistics and Computer Science
- Master of Science in Statistics and Data Analysis
- Master of Science in Statistics and Econometrics
- Master of Science in Statistics and Operational Research
- Master of Science in Survey Methods for Social Research
- Master of Science in Telecommunication and Information Systems
- Master of Science in Tropical Marine Biology
- Master of Science in Work, Organisation and Society
Für den Zeitraum von zwei Wochen haben internationale Bachelor-Studenten an der University of Essex die Möglichkeit, an einer International Summer School teilzunehmen. Dafür wird eine Reihe von Kursen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen wie Applied Economics, Marketing, Law, Management sowie Data Science angeboten. Neben spannenden Kursen nehmen die Studierenden an Ausflügen nach Cambridge oder London teil sowie an aufregenden außeruniversitären Aktivitäten.
Die Studiengebühren für die zweiwöchige International Summer School betragen je nach Modulanzahl 1.750 Pfund oder 2.350 Pfund und beinhalten neben den Studiengebühren auch Zugang zum Fitnessstudio sowie die Teilnahme an einigen außeruniversitären Aktivitäten und Exkursionen. Ein erweitertes Angebot für Freizeitangebote kann für zusätzliche Kosten gebucht werden.
Für die Teilnahme an der International Summer School benötigt man das Abitur. Außerdem muss man über 18 Jahre alt sein und ausreichende Englischkenntnisse über einen standardisierten Sprachtest nachweisen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | |
IELTS | 5.5 (für English Language, Culture and History 5.0) |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.
Summer School (08.07.2024 - 19.07.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Essex Business School | Business Analytics | |
Essex Business School | Data Driven Marketing Insights | |
Essex Business School | Financial Risk Management | |
Essex Business School | Management, digitalisation and rights | |
Essex Business School | Methods and Applied Economics | |
Essex Business School | Sustainability accounting | |
Essex Business School | Workplace negotioations | |
Language and Linguistics | Language and the Law | |
Literature | Law and Literature | |
Philosphy | Recognition and the Law | |
School of Law | Business Law and Technology |
Die University of Essex bietet allen, die sich im Bereich der Unternehmensführung weiterbilden möchten oder eine Karriere im Management anstreben, den Master of Business Administration (MBA) an. Das Programm vermittelt tiefgreifende Kenntnisse in den relevanten Bereichen wie etwa Finance, Accounting oder Marketing und bereitet die Teilnehmer so gezielt auf die Herausforderungen vor, die mit einer Position im Spitzenmanagement einhergehen.
Das einjährige Programm ist sehr praxisorientiert aufgebaut. Neben zahlreichen Workshops während des Studiums können die Teilnehmer bereits während ihrer Zeit an der Universität aufgrund der zahlreichen Partnerschaften mit großen Unternehmen und NGOs in ganz London wichtige Kontakte knüpfen.
Die Studiengebühren können über den folgenden Link eingesehen werden.
Grundvoraussetzung einer Bewerbung für ein MBA-Studium an der University of Essex ist ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium oder ein vergleichbarer Abschluss. Außerdem werden mindestens drei Jahre Berufserfahrung in einem für das Studium relevanten Bereich erwartet.
Internationale Bewerber müssen zudem durch eine Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS ausreichende Englischkenntnisse nachweisen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
IELTS | 6.5 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Master of Business Administration
Die School of Law der University of Essex bietet zahlreiche Studiengänge an, die mit einem Master of Laws (LLM) abschließen. Die dauern etwa neun Monate bis ein Jahr.
Diese Studiengänge mit unterschiedlichen Schwerpunkten ermöglichen es den Studenten, sich konkret in dem Bereich weiterzuentwickeln, der den eigenen Stärken und Interessen entspricht. Zu den Spezialisierungsmöglichkeiten zählen unter anderem Business Law, Human Rights Law oder International Trade Law.
Die School of Law legt großen Wert auf ein Studium auf hohem Niveau und wurde 2008 von der Quality Assurance Agency sogar mit "Broad Confidence" für die Qualität des Unterrichts bewertet. Auch die Forschungsarbeit gilt als exzellent und spielt mit ihren Ergebnissen in den Unterricht hinein.
Die Studiengebühren richten sich nach dem gewählten Programm. Sie können über den folgenden Link eingesehen werden.
Grundvoraussetzung einer Bewerbung für ein LLM-Studium an der University of Essex ist ein abgeschlossenes rechtswissenschaftliches Bachelorstudium oder ein vergleichbarer Abschluss. Vorhandene Berufserfahrung ist hingegen vorteilhaft, allerdings nicht unbedingt nötig.
Internationale Bewerber müssen durch eine Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem TOEFL oder IELTS ausreichende Englischkenntnisse nachweisen. Es sollte noch erwähnt werden, dass die Sprachanforderungen bei manchen Programmen höher sind als unten angegeben.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
IELTS | 6.5 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Coursework
- Master of Laws in Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- Master of Laws in International Commercial and Business Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law
- Master of Laws in International Human Rights Law (Economic Relations)
- Master of Laws in International Humanitarian Law
- Master of Laws in International Trade and Maritime Law
- Master of Laws in International Trade Law
- Master of Laws in Maritime Law
Abiturienten wird an der University of Essex die Möglichkeit geboten, ein Academic Gap Year zu absolvieren. Sie können im Rahmen dieses Studienprogramms für einen bis drei Terms an der University of Essex studieren und einführende Kurse aus den verschiedensten Studienfächern belegen. Auf diese Weise können die Programmteilnehmer in unterschiedliche Studienbereiche hineinschnuppern.
Bewerber für ein Academic Gap Year an der University of Essex benötigen das (Fach-) Abitur und ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse. Diese müssen in der Regel über Mindestpunktzahlen in standardisierten Sprachtests wie IELTS oder TOEFL nachgewiesen werden.
Auch gute Englischnoten (10 Punkte oder mehr) im Abiturzeugnis können als Nachweis über die Englischkenntnisse dienen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | |
Abitur | konstant mind. 10 Punkte in der Oberstufe |
IELTS | 6.0 (kein Bereich unter 5.5) |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 76 (17 in Listening, 18 in Reading, 20 in Speaking & 17 in Writing) |
Der Sprachnachweis kann bis zum Ablauf der Bewerbungsfrist nachgereicht werden.
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Accounting
- Acting
- Actuarial Science
- American History
- American Studies
- Art History
- Banking and Finance
- Biochemistry
- Biological Sciences
- Biomedical Science
- Business Management
- Computer Games
- Computer Networks
- Computer Science
- Computer Systems Engineering
- Computers with Electronics
- Computing and Mathematics
- Creative Writing
- Criminology
- Drama
- Economics
- Elections, Public Opinions and Parties
- Electronic Engineering
- English and French Law
- English and United States Literature
- English Language
- English Language and English Language Teaching
- English Language, Language Acquisition and Language Disorders
- English Literature
- European Studies
- Film Studies
- Finance
- Financial Economics
- Financial Management
- French Studies and Modern Languages
- Genetics
- German Studies and Modern Languages
- Health Care
- History
- Hotel Management
- Human Rights
- Information and Communication Technology
- International Business and Entrepreneurship
- International Development
- International Economics
- International Relations
- Italian Studies and Modern Languages
- Language Studies
- Latin American Studies
- Laws
- Liberal Arts
- Linguistics
- Literature
- Management
- Management Economics
- Marine Biology
- Marketing
- Mathematics
- Mathematics, Cryptography and Network Security
- Media, Culture and Society
- Modern History
- Modern Languages
- Nursing
- Occupational Therapy
- Philosophy
- Philosophy, Politics and Economics
- Philosophy, Religion and Ethics
- Physical Theatre
- Physiotherapy
- Political Economics
- Politics
- Portuguese Studies and Modern Languages
- Psychology
- Social and Community Development
- Social Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish Studies and Modern Languages
- Spanish, Portuguese and Brazilian Studies
- Sports and Exercise Science
- Sports Therapy
- Stage Management and Technical Theatre
- Teaching English as a Foreign Language
- Telecommunication Engineering
- Therapeutic Communication and Therapeutic Organisations
- World Performance