University of California, Los Angeles

Los Angeles, USA


Die 1919 gegründete University of Californa, Los Angeles (UCLA) zählt seit Jahren zu den renommiertesten US-amerikanischen Universitäten und ist die zweitälteste Hochschule im System der University of California. Der aktuelle America's Best Colleges Guide des US News & World Report führt die UCLA auf Platz zwei unter allen staatlichen Universitäten in den USA und auf Platz 20 insgesamt.

Acht der derzeit an der UCLA ansässigen Professoren und auch viele Alumni sind Nobelpreisträger; andere wurden mit anderen wichtigen Preisen für ihre Leistungen ausgezeichnet wie zum Beispiel dem bekannten Pulitzerpreis.

Darüber hinaus gilt die UCLA als eine der ethnisch vielfältigsten und diversesten Universitäten weltweit mit Studenten aus allen50 Staaten der USA und mehr als 100 weiteren Ländern. Ihre Lehrpläne sind daraufhin ausgerichtet, bei den Studenten sowohl intellektuelles als auch soziales Verantwortungsbewusstsein zu fördern.

Über College Contact kannst du an der UCLA an den sogenannten Summer Sessions teilnehmen. Dies sind komprimierte Semester, die in den Sommermonaten stattfinden und meist mehrere Wochen dauern. Du kannst dabei aus einem riesigen Kursangebot auswählen, das Kurse in allen erdenklichen Fachrichtungen beinhaltet.


Gründungsjahr: 1919

Hochschultyp: Staatliche Hochschule

Anzahl Studenten: Gesamt 40700 , 27200 Undergraduate, 12100 Postgraduate, International 2000


  • WSCUC (WASC Senior Association of Schools and Colleges)
  • AACSB (Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business)


Im Zeitraum zwischen Juni und September werden an der University of California Los Angeles mehrere Summer Sessions unterschiedlicher Dauer angeboten.

Summer 3-week A3 2025: 23.06.2025 - 11.07.2025

Summer 6-week A6 2025: 23.06.2025 - 01.08.2025

Summer 8-week A8 2025: 23.06.2025 - 15.08.2025

Summer 9-week A9 2025: 23.06.2025 - 22.08.2025

Summer 10-week A10 2025: 23.06.2025 - 29.08.2025

Summer 3-week B3 2025: 14.07.2025 - 01.08.2025

Summer 3-week C3 2025: 04.08.2025 - 22.08.2025

Summer 6-week C6 2025: 04.08.2025 - 12.09.2025



Über die folgenden Links gelangt ihr zum Kurskatalog und ggf. Stundenplan dieser Hochschule. Während der Kurskatalog vor allem einen Gesamtüberblick der angebotenen Studiengänge und ihres Curriculums liefert, findet ihr im Stundenplan die in den einzelnen Semestern tatsächlich angebotenen Kurse. Für Fragen zum Kursangebot stehen wir euch natürlich immer gern zur Verfügung.


Die UCLA liegt etwa acht Kilometer westlich von Downtown Los Angeles. Mit seiner üppigen landschaftlichen Gestaltung, seinen zahlreichen Gärten und seiner beeindruckenden romanischen Architektur ist der Campus nicht nur ein wunderschöner Ort, sondern auch eine Art Ruhepol zum hektischen Leben in der Millionenmetropole.

Auf dem großen Gelände befinden sich neben hervorragend ausgestatteten Vorlesungsgebäuden und Instituten auch mehrere Sportstadien, eine riesige Sporthalle, ein Swimming Pool, der besonders im Sommer viele Studenten anlockt, sowie eine sehr moderne Bibliothek.

Im Zentrum des Geländes konzentriert sich das studentische Leben an der UCLA. Hier gibt es verschiedene Restaurants und Cafés, den UCLA Store und weitere Gebäude. Das Westwood Village, der Stadtteil südlich des Geländes der UCLA, ist ein bei Studenten sehr beliebtes Viertel mit mehreren Kinos und guten Ausgehmöglichkeiten. Im Norden der Universität befindet sich der berühmte Sunset Boulevard.


Studenten im Bereich der Summer Sessions leben in Unterkünften der Universität.

Folgende Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl:

  • Studentenwohnheim
  • Apartment auf dem Campus

Die konkrete Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten kann je nach Studienprogramm variieren. Detaillierte Informationen findet ihr über die Links oder in der "Gratisbroschüre" zum jeweiligen Programm. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.

Die Hochschulstadt Los Angeles

Los Angeles, die Stadt der Engel, ist mit knapp vier Millionen Einwohnern nach New York die zweitgrößte Stadt der USA und liegt am Pazifischen Ozean und am Fluss Los Angeles. Sie ist das Wirtschafts-, Geschäfts- und Kulturzentrum Kaliforniens, weltgrößter Standort für die Flugzeug- und Raumfahrtindustrie und sehr bekannt für die Film- und Musikszene vor Ort. Wegen der relativ geringen Anzahl an Wolkenkratzern und des weitläufigen Stadtgebiets wird Los Angeles auch als Horizontal City bezeichnet.

Die Stadt liegt in der subtropischen Klimazone, aber durch die Nähe zum Ozean herrschen angenehme Temperaturen mit einem Jahresdurchschnitt von 16,5 °C. Selbst im Winter sinken die Temperaturen selten unter 15 °C. Bekannt sind vor allem die Strände wie das von zahlreichen Prominenten bewohnte Malibu, der Venice Beach mit seiner Promenade Venice Boardwalk, wo sich am Wochenende Musiker und andere Künstler treffen, oder Santa Monica, der älteste, größte und bekannteste Badeort der Welt, wo viele Schriftsteller und Rockstars leben. Die Parks in der Stadt beherbergen zahlreiche Freizeit- und Kultureinrichtungen, beispielsweise der Griffith Park mit dem Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum, einem Planetarium, dem Zoo von Los Angeles und einem Observatorium, von wo aus man einen guten Blick auf das Hollywood Sign im Norden der Stadt hat.

Im zentral gelegenen Elysian Park befinden sich das Dodgers Stadium und die L. A. Police Academy. Weitere sehenswerte Orte sind das History Center of the Californian Historical Society, das Museum of Contemporary Art, das bekannte Civic Center mit verschiedenen Regierungsgebäuden, darunter das Rathaus, und dem Music Center for Performing Arts, das natürliche Amphitheater Hollywood Bowl in den Hügeln und natürlich die Universal Studios in Universal City. Wenn man sich ins Nachtleben stürzt, kann man mit etwas Glück Stars treffen, zum Beispiel in einem Club in Hollywood, am Sunset Strip oder einfach am Strand.

Aktuellste News zur Hochschule

27 Aug

12 Unis unter den Top 100: Spitzenplätze für unsere Partnerunis im ARWU-Ranking

Die neuen Ergebnisse des diesjährigen Academic Ranking of World Universities, eines der bekanntesten internationalen Hochschulrankings, wurden veröffentlicht. Wie bereits in den Vorjahren sind auch in der aktuellen Ausgabe viele unserer Partnerhochschulen in den vorderen Reihen des angesehenen Hochschulrankings vertreten.

Welche unserer Partneruniversitäten sich über eine Platzierung in den Top 100 freuen können, erfährst du hier!



Alle News zur Hochschule

Traumhochschule gefunden?

Ansonsten haben wir noch viele weitere Hochschulen im Angebot, schau einfach mal rein! Wir beraten dich gern zu deinen Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland.

Hochschulen im selben Land Alle Hochschulen



An der UCLA werden während des Sommers die so genannten Summer Sessions angeboten.

Die Summer Sessions sind reguläre Universitätskurse, die sowohl für amerikanische als auch für internationale Studierende angeboten werden und den Lehrstoff der Kurse des Semesters in einem mehrwöchigen kompakten Kurs zusammenfassen. So werden Kurse aus fast allen Fachbereichen angeboten, die auch während des Semesters stattfinden.

Sehr umfangreich und beliebt ist das Kursangebot der UCLA Summer Sessions in den Bereichen Psychology, English Literature, Management, Economics, History, Sociology, Political Science, Film and Television, Art History und Communication Studies. Eine Besonderheit der UCLA sind zudem die rund 20 Intensivkurse in verschiedenen Sprachen, beispielsweise in Japanisch, Koreanisch oder Spanisch.

Insgesamt werden jeden Sommer mehr als 700 Kurse angeboten. 


  • Summer 3-week A3 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 6-week A6 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 8-week A8 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 9-week A9 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 10-week A10 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 3-week B3 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 3-week C3 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD
  • Summer 6-week C6 2025
    Tuition pro Unit
    385,00 USD
    Service Fee
    500,00 USD
    Health Insurance
    440,00 USD
    Registration Fee
    350,00 USD
    IEI Fee
    61,00 USD
    59,00 USD
    Document Fee
    50,00 USD

Die Höhe der Gebühren für alle Summer Sessions ist abhängig von der Anzahl der belegten Units. Ein Kurs besteht in der Regel aus vier bis fünf Units. Die Mindestanzahl an Units, die internationale Teilnehmer*innen der UCLA Summer Sessions pro Session belegen müssen, richtet sich nach der Dauer der Sessions. Bei einer 8-wöchigen Session müssen mindestens 8 Units belegt werden, bei einer 6-wöchigen Session mindestens 6 Units usw. Die Teilnehmer*innen studieren damit als Vollzeitstudierende mit F-1-Visum an der UCLA.

Bitte beachtet, dass der Abschluss der UCLA-Krankenversicherung für alle internationalen Studierende verpflichtend ist. Die Kosten hierfür liegen im Jahr 2023 nach derzeitigem Stand bei USD 384.


Die Summer Sessions sind im prinzipiell für alle Studiedende frei zugänglich und nicht an die strengen Bewerbungskriterien gebunden, die für andere reguläre Studienprogramme der UCLA sonst gelten. So können neben Studierenden und Berufstätigen auch bereits Schüler*innen der gymnasialen Oberstufe an den Summer Sessions teilnehmen. Das Mindestalter liegt bei 15 Jahren.

Natürlich müssen auch hier ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse vorhanden sein. Diese können durch einen standardisierten Sprachtest wie den TOEFL oder IELTS nachgewiesen werden.

Aufgrund einer Vereinbarung mit dem Büro der UCLA Summer Sessions darf College Contact als International Registration Center die Englischkenntnisse der deutschen Bewerber*innen auch eigenständig prüfen und dabei die Art des Nachweises frei wählen.

College Contact akzeptiert neben dem TOEFL und IELTS auch das DAAD Sprachzeugnis, einen Nachweis über gute oder sehr gute Englischnoten während der Oberstufe oder im Studium, den Nachweis über einen längeren (Sprach-) Aufenthalt im englischsprachigen Ausland oder den Nachweis über andere absolvierte Englischkurse.

Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:

TOEFL (internet-based)8080

Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.



Summer 8-week A8 (23.06.2025 - 15.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
American Sign Language 8 Intensive Elementary American Sign Language
Bioengineering 596 Directed Individual or Tutorial Studies
Civil and Environmental Engineering 108 Introduction to Mechanics of Deformable Solids
Civil and Environmental Engineering 110 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Engineers
Civil and Environmental Engineering 148 Wood and Timber Design
Civil and Environmental Engineering 153 Introduction to Environmental Engineering Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering 296 Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering
Civil and Environmental Engineering M20 Introduction to Computer Programming with MATLAB
Classics 47 Medical Terminology: Origins, Nature, and Practice
Computer Science 181 Theory of Computing
Computer Science 31 Introduction to Computer Science I
Computer Science 33 Introduction to Computer Organization
Computer Science M51A Logic Design of Digital Systems
Electrical and Computer Engineering 100 Electrical and Electronic Circuits
Electrical and Computer Engineering 102 Systems and Signals
Electrical and Computer Engineering 131A Probability and Statistics
Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering M16 Logic Design of Digital Systems
Engineering 182EW Technology and Law
French 8 Intensive First-Year French
German 8 Elementary German: Intensive
Greek 16 Intensive First-Year Greek
Hebrew 8 Elementary Hebrew: Intensive
Latin 16 Intensive First-Year Latin
Materials Science and Engineering 104 Science of Engineering Materials
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 101 Statics and Strength of Materials
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 102 Dynamics of Particles and Rigid Bodies
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 103 Elementary Fluid Mechanics
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 105A Introduction to Engineering Thermodynamics
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 107 Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Dynamic Systems
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 150A Intermediate Fluid Mechanics
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 166A Analysis of Aerospace Structures
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 171A Introduction to Feedback and Control Systems: Dynamic Systems Control I
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 82 Mathematics of Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 94 Introduction to Computer-Aided Design and Drafting
Program in Computing 16A Python with Applications I
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences 186 Ecological Medicine
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences 187 Songwright's Apothecary Laboratory
Russian 10 Intensive Elementary Russian
Russian 20 Intensive Intermediate Russian

Summer 6-week A6 (23.06.2025 - 01.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Ancient Near East 10W Jerusalem: Holy City
Ancient Near East 15W Women and Power in Ancient World
Ancient Near East CM101A Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Predynastic Period to New Kingdom
Anthropology 110 Principles of Archaeology
Anthropology 124Q Evolutionary Psychology
Anthropology 135 Visual Anthropology: Documentary Photography
Anthropology 149 Selected Topics in Social Anthropology: Lecture 1
Anthropology 163P Ideology and Social Change in Contemporary China
Anthropology 2 Archaeology: Introduction
Anthropology 3 Culture and Society
Anthropology M150 Language in Culture
Arabic M110 One Thousand and One Nights/Alf Layla Wa-Layla
Architecture and Urban Design CM153 Introduction to Sustainable Architecture and Community Planning
Art 11E Ceramics
Art History 130 Selected Topics in Modern Art: Introduction to Global Modernism
Art History 130 Selected Topics in Modern Art: Otherness in Modern and Contemporary German Art
Art History 132 Selected Topics in Contemporary Art: Good Art, Bad Art
Art History C126 Selected Topics in Early Modern Art: Venice: Making Space in Most Serene Republic
Art History C136A Selected Topics in African American Art: Black Arts in Global Field
Art History M110A Art and Architecture of Ancient Egypt, Predynastic Period to New Kingdom
Asian American Studies 10 History of Asian Americans
Asian American Studies 135 Southeast Asian Refugee Communities in U.S.
Asian American Studies 191A Topics in Research Methodologies: Web Development and GIS for Social Change: Critical Data for Transforming Civil Society
Asian Studies 30 Languages and Cultures of Asia
Asian Studies M60W Introduction to Buddhism
Astronomy 5 Life in Universe
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 104 Fundamentals of Air and Water Pollution
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2 Air Pollution
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2L Air Pollution Laboratory
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3 Meteorology and Extreme Weather
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3L Meteorology and Extreme Weather Laboratory
Chemistry and Biochemistry 101 Catalysis in Modern Drug Discovery
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14A General Chemistry for Life Scientists I
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14BL General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14C Structure of Organic Molecules
Chemistry and Biochemistry 153A Biochemistry: Introduction to Structure, Enzymes, and Metabolism
Chemistry and Biochemistry 20A Chemical Structure
Chemistry and Biochemistry 30A Organic Chemistry I: Structure and Reactivity
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 10A Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 10B Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: Social Structure and Contemporary Conditions
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 113 Day of Dead Ritual
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 171 Humor as Social Control
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 188 Special Courses in Chicana/o and Central American Studies: Labor, Migration, and Resistance of Central Americans in U.S.
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 188 Special Courses in Chicana/o and Central American Studies: Latina Incarceration: Gender, Sexuality, and Agency
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 20 Central American Studies: Histories and Cultures
Chicana/o and Central American Studies C107 Latina/Latino Families in U.S.
Chicana/o and Central American Studies CM135 Bilingual Writing Workshop
Chicana/o and Central American Studies CM147 Transnational Women's Organizing in Americas
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M102 Mexican Americans and Schools
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M103D Contemporary Chicano Theater: Beginning of Chicano Theater Movement
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M105D Introduction to Latina/Latino Literature
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M106B Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M108A Music of Latin America: Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Isles
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M121 Issues in Latina/Latino Poverty: Mexican and Central American Voices from Los Angeles
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M155A Latinos in U.S.
Chinese 40 Popular Culture in Modern Chinese Societies
Classics 185 Origins and Nature of English Vocabulary
Classics 20 Discovering Romans
Communication 10 Introduction to Communication
Communication 100 Communication Science
Communication 109 Entrepreneurial Communication
Communication 114 Understanding Relationships
Communication 115 Interpersonal Dynamics
Communication 126 Evolution of Interpersonal Communication
Communication 148 Marketing Communications
Communication 157 Celebrity, Fame, and Social Media
Communication 184 Summer Internships
Communication 188A Variable Topics in Mass Communication and Media Institutions: History of American Television
Communication 1A Public Speaking for Nonnative Speakers
Communication 1B Learning American English and Culture from Movies
Community Engagement and Social Change 152 Exploring Social Change: Critical Analysis through Lens of Community Organizing and Social Movements
Community Health Sciences 48 Nutrition and Food Studies: Principles and Practice
Comparative Literature 191 Variable Topics in Comparative Literature: Critical Geography and Literary Space in World Literature
Comparative Literature 191 Variable Topics in Comparative Literature: Global Dystopian Fiction and Film
Comparative Literature 4DW Literature and Writing: Great Books from World at Large
Comparative Literature M110 One Thousand and One Nights/Alf Layla Wa-Layla
Computer Science 192 Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Conservation of Cultural Heritage 30 Caring for Black History: Preservation of African American Cultural Heritage
Dance 11 Yoga: Studio 1
Dance 9 Beginning Hip-Hop Dance: Studio 1
Design / Media Arts 10 Design Culture
Design / Media Arts 131 Three-Dimensional Modeling and Motion
Design / Media Arts 141 Web Design and User Interface and Experience
Design / Media Arts 150 Professional Practices
Design / Media Arts 21 Drawing and Color
Design / Media Arts 24 Motion
Design / Media Arts 7 Critical Game Culture
Design / Media Arts 8 Media Histories
Digital Humanities 101 Introduction to Digital Humanities
Digital Humanities 140 Coding for Humanities
Disability Studies 101W Perspectives on Disability Studies
Disability Studies 199A Directed Research in Disability Studies
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 1 Introduction to Earth Science
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 121F Advanced Field Geology: Fieldwork
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 15 Blue Planet: Introduction to Oceanography
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 17 Dinosaurs and Their Relatives
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 9 Solar System and Planets
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 100 Introduction to Ecology and Behavior
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 100L Introduction to Ecology and Behavior Laboratory
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 109 Introduction to Marine Science
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 109L Introduction to Marine Science Laboratory
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 111 Biology of Vertebrates
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 116 Conservation Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 120 Evolution
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 129 Animal Behavior
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 144 Prehistoric California
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 162 Plant Physiology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 162L Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology Laboratory
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology M139 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography
Economics 1 Principles of Economics
Economics 101 Microeconomic Theory
Economics 102 Macroeconomic Theory
Economics 103 Introduction to Econometrics
Economics 103L Econometrics Laboratory
Economics 104 Data Science for Economists
Economics 104L Data Science for Economists Laboratory
Economics 106F Finance
Economics 11 Microeconomic Theory
Economics 122 International Finance
Economics 134 Environmental Economics
Economics 165 History of Capitalism in American Economy
Economics 2 Principles of Economics
Economics 41 Probability and Statistics for Economists
Economics 441A Applied Data Management for Economists
Education 118 Sociology of Community Colleges
Education 123 Teaching Profession
Education 132 Autism: Mind, Brain, and Education
Education 147 Social Context of Learners in K-12: Diversity, Residential Mobility, Immigration, and Food Security Conditions in California
Education 148 Early Childhood Development
Education 195CE Community or Corporate Internships in Education
Education 35 Introduction to Inquiry and Research in Education
Education 413A Language and Culture
Education 413B Methodology for Bilingual Instruction
Education 413C History and Culture of Emphasis
Education 498A Directed Field Experience
Education M102 Mexican Americans and Schools
Education M108 Sociology of Education
Electrical and Computer Engineering 100 Electrical and Electronic Circuits
Electrical and Computer Engineering 102 Systems and Signals
Electrical and Computer Engineering 131A Probability and Statistics
Electrical and Computer Engineering 233 Wireless Communications System Design, Modeling, and Implementation
Electrical and Computer Engineering 297 Seminar Series: Electrical Engineering: Seminar 1
Electrical and Computer Engineering 297 Seminar Series: Electrical Engineering: Seminar 2
Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 Introduction to Electrical Engineering
Electrical and Computer Engineering M16 Logic Design of Digital Systems
Engineering 111 Introduction to Finance and Marketing for Engineers
Engineering 112 Laboratory to Market, Entrepreneurship for Engineers
Engineering 182EW Technology and Law
Engineering 195 Internship Studies in Engineering
Engineering 2 Technology and Society
Engineering 95 Internship Studies in Engineering
English 115A American Popular Literature
English 115E Science Fiction: Lecture 1
English 118A Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature: Secret History of Innovation
English 118C Studies in Visual Culture: Face Card: Beauty in Contemporary Media
English 119 Literary Cities: Lecture 4
English 177 Interdisciplinary Studies of American Culture: American Horror Stories from Sleepy Hollow to The Sunken Place
English 182F Topics in 20th- and 21st-Century Literature: Seminar 1
English 20W Introduction to Creative Writing
English 4W Critical Reading and Writing
English M105D Introduction to Latina/Latino Literature
English M107B Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Lecture 1
English M191C Topics in Asian American Literature: Seminar 1
English as A Second Language 20 Conversation and Fluency
English as A Second Language 22 Public Speaking
English as A Second Language 23 American Culture through Film
English as A Second Language 25 Academic Reading and Writing
English Composition 131B Specialized Writing: Business and Social Policy
English Composition 2 Approaches to University Writing
English Composition 3 English Composition, Rhetoric, and Language
English Composition 50 Writing Workshop
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 1
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 2
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 3
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 4
Environment 140 Foundations of Environmental Policy and Regulation
Environment 163 100 - Principles of Epidemiology
Environment 25 Good Food for Everyone: Health, Sustainability, and Culture
Environment M125 Environmentalism: Past, Present, and Future
Environment M133 Environmental Sociology
Environment M153 Introduction to Sustainable Architecture and Community Planning
Epidemiology 100 Principles of Epidemiology
Ethnomusicology 46W India through Music
Ethnomusicology CM182 Music Industry
Ethnomusicology M108A Music of Latin America: Mexico, Central America, and Caribbean Isles
Ethnomusicology M119 Cultural History of Rap
Ethnomusicology M25 Global Pop
Film and Television 104 Film and Television Symposium
Film and Television 106C History of African, Asian, and Latin American Film: Lecture 1
Film and Television 112 Film and Social Change
Film and Television 114 Film Genres: Horror Film
Film and Television 122D Film Editing: Overview of History, Technique, and Practice
Film and Television 122E Digital Cinematography
Film and Television 122J Disney Feature: Then and Now
Film and Television 122M Film and Television Directing
Film and Television 122N History of Animation in American Film and Television
Film and Television 126 Acting for Film and Television
Film and Television 183A Producing I: Film and Television Development
Film and Television 183B Producing II: Entertainment Economics
Film and Television 187B Domestic and Global Entertainment Industry Careers and Strategies
Film and Television 187C Scripted and Unscripted Series Development for Domestic and Global Streaming Services
Film and Television 194 Internship Seminars: Film, Television, and Digital Media
Film and Television 33 Introductory Screenwriting
Film and Television 4 Introduction to Art and Technique of Filmmaking
Film and Television 6A History of American Motion Picture
Film and Television 84A Overview of Contemporary Film Industry
Film and Television M111 Women and Film
Film and Television M117 Chicanos in Film/Video
Food Studies M79 Food Politics: Cultural Solutions to Political Problems
French 1 Elementary French
French 41 French Cinema and Culture
Gender Studies 10 Introduction to Gender Studies
Gender Studies 101W Writing Gender
Gender Studies 102 Power
Gender Studies M104C Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
Gender Studies M110C Topics in Feminist Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology: Lecture 1
Gender Studies M111 Women and Film
Gender Studies M114 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
Gender Studies M135C Bilingual Writing Workshop
Gender Studies M147C Transnational Women's Organizing in Americas
Gender Studies M163 Gender and Work
Geography 136 Health and Global Environment
Geography 171C Metropolitan Los Angeles
Geography 180 Cartography
Geography 181A Intermediate Geographic Information Systems
Geography 182A Introduction to Remote Sensing
Geography 5 People and Earth's Ecosystems
Geography 7 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Geography M125 Environmentalism: Past, Present, and Future
Gerontology M104C Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
Global Health 100 Global Health and Development
Global Jazz Studies M119 Cultural History of Rap
Global Jazz Studies M25 Global Pop
Global Studies 140 Hollywood and the Immigrant Experience in America
Health Policy and Management 100 Health Care Systems and Health Policy
History 111C Topics in Middle Eastern History: Modern: Women and Gender in Modern Middle East
History 140A 20th-Century U.S. History, 1900 to 1928
History 179B History of Medicine: Foundations of Modern Medicine: Lecture 1
History 2C Religion, Occult, and Science: Mystics, Heretics, and Witches in Western Tradition, 1000 to 1600
History 5 Holocaust: History and Memory
International and Area Studies 1 Introduction to International and Area Studies
International Development Studies 1 Introduction to International Development Studies
International Development Studies 160 Selected Topics in International Development Studies: Community-Based Research Methods
International Development Studies M120 Political Economy of Development
Islamic Studies M20 Introduction to Islam
Italian 1 Elementary Italian - Beginning
Italian 3 Elementary Italian - Continued
Japanese 155 Topics in Japanese Cinema
Japanese 75 Anime
Labor Studies 10 Introduction to Labor and Workplace Studies
Labor Studies 188 Special Courses in Labor and Workplace Studies: Law, Organizing, and Role of Lawyers in Social Justice Movements
Labor Studies M121 Issues in Latina/Latino Poverty: Mexican and Central American Voices from Los Angeles
Labor Studies M175 Agitational Communication
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies M114 Introduction to Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies M135 Bilingual Writing Workshop
Life Sciences 107 Genetics
Life Sciences 192D Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Life Sciences 30A Mathematics for Life Scientists
Life Sciences 7A Cell and Molecular Biology
Life Sciences 7B Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology
Linguistics 1 Introduction to Study of Language
Linguistics 102 Introduction to Applied Phonetics
Linguistics 119A Applied Phonology
Linguistics 120B Syntax I
Linguistics 132 Language Processing
Linguistics 170 Language and Society: Introduction to Sociolinguistics
Linguistics 20 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
Linguistics M146 Language in Culture
Management 108 Business Law
Management 120A Intermediate Financial Accounting I
Management 120B Intermediate Financial Accounting II
Management 123 Auditing
Management 127A Tax Principles and Policy
Management 142A Analytics in Accounting I
Management 160 Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation
Management 180 Special Topics in Management: Lecture 3
Management 180 Special Topics in Management: Lecture 4
Management 180 Special Topics in Management: Lecture 5
Management 180 Special Topics in Management: Lecture 6
Management 1A Principles of Accounting
Mathematics 106 History of Mathematics
Mathematics 110A Algebra
Mathematics 115A Linear Algebra
Mathematics 132 Complex Analysis for Applications
Mathematics 134 Linear and Nonlinear Systems of Differential Equations
Mathematics 135 Ordinary Differential Equations
Mathematics 142 Mathematical Modeling
Mathematics 151A Applied Numerical Methods
Mathematics 156 Machine Learning
Mathematics 164 Optimization
Mathematics 170E Introduction to Probability and Statistics 1: Probability
Mathematics 174E Mathematics of Finance for Mathematics/Economics Students
Mathematics 31A Differential and Integral Calculus
Mathematics 32A Calculus of Several Variables
Mathematics 33A Linear Algebra and Applications
Mathematics 61 Introduction to Discrete Structures
Medicine 185 Integrative East-West Medicine for Health and Wellness
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 100L Microbiology Laboratory for Professional Schools
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 101 Introductory Microbiology
Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 158 Microbial Genomics
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 144 Molecular Biology of Cellular Processes
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 146 Metabolism and Disease
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 165A Biology of Cells
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 187AL Research Immersion Laboratory in Genomic Biology
Music 3 Preparatory Music Theory
Music 80A Beginning Keyboard
Music 80F Beginning Guitar Class
Music 80V Vocal Technique for Beginners
Music Industry 112A Introduction to Songwriting
Music Industry 115A Art of Music Production I
Music Industry 2 Music Industry Fundamentals
Music Industry 55 Legends of Songwriting: Their Life in Music
Musicology 12W Writing about Music
Musicology 5 History of Rock and Roll
Neuroscience 10 Brain Made Simple: Neuroscience for 21st Century
Neuroscience 102 Introduction to Functional Anatomy of Central Nervous System
Neuroscience 20 Introduction to Neuroscience Methods: Art and Science of Studying Brain
Neuroscience M116A Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
Neuroscience M161 Personal Brain Management
Nursing 13 Introduction to Human Anatomy
Nursing 213 Worker Health and Safety: Role and Theory
Nursing 50 Fundamentals of Epidemiology
Philosophy 129 Philosophy of Psychology: Lecture 1
Philosophy 166 Philosophy of Law: Lecture 1
Philosophy 31 Logic, First Course
Philosophy 6 Introduction to Political Philosophy
Philosophy 7 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy C119 Topics in History of Philosophy: Lecture 1
Philosophy C156 Topics in Political Philosophy: Lecture 1
Philosophy M187 Topics in Feminist Philosophy: Metaphysics and Epistemology: Lecture 1
Physics 10 Physics
Physics 192 Undergraduate Practicum in Physics
Physics 192M Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Physical Sciences
Physics 1A Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics
Physics 1B Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Oscillations, Waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields
Physics 1C Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity
Physics 4AL Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics
Physics 4BL Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 5A Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics and Energy
Physics 5B Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Thermodynamics, Fluids, Waves, Light, and Optics
Physics 5C Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Electricity, Magnetism, and Modern Physics
Physiological Science 13 Introduction to Human Anatomy
Physiological Science 136 Pathophysiology of Cardiovascular Diseases
Physiological Science 3 Introduction to Human Physiology
Physiological Science 5 Issues in Human Physiology: Diet and Exercise
Political Science 10 Introduction to Political Theory
Political Science 119 Special Studies in Political Theory: Lecture 1
Political Science 123A International Law
Political Science 139 Special Studies in International Relations: Lecture 2
Political Science 140A National Institutions: Congress
Political Science 169 Special Studies in Comparative Politics: Lecture 1
Political Science 181A Politics of Latino Communities
Political Science 186 Special Studies in Race, Ethnicity, and Politics: Lecture 1
Political Science 20 World Politics
Political Science 40 Introduction to American Politics
Political Science 50 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Political Science 6 Introduction to Data Analysis
Political Science M141A Electoral Politics: Political Psychology
Political Science M167C Political Economy of Development
Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences M182 Personal Brain Management
Psychology 10 Introductory Psychology
Psychology 100A Psychological Statistics
Psychology 100B Research Methods in Psychology
Psychology 115 Principles of Behavioral Neuroscience
Psychology 119Y Psychobiology of Sexual Behavior
Psychology 120A Cognitive Psychology
Psychology 124B Fundamentals of User Experience
Psychology 126 Clinical Psychology Laboratory
Psychology 133D Social and Personality Development
Psychology 133G Culture and Human Development
Psychology 134E Advanced Fieldwork in Applied Developmental Psychology
Psychology 134J Dynamic Perspectives on Parenting
Psychology 135 Social Psychology
Psychology 137C Intimate Relationships
Psychology 142H Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychology (Honors)
Psychology 188B Special Courses in Psychology: Lecture 2
Psychology 20A MATLAB Programming for Behavioral Sciences
Psychology M116A Behavioral Neuroscience Laboratory
Psychology M138 Electoral Politics: Political Psychology
Public Affairs 110 Urban Revolution: Space and Society in Global Context
Public Affairs 40 Microeconomics for Public Affairs
Public Affairs M109 Introduction to Cities and Planning
Public Affairs M131 Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
Public Health C150 Fundamentals of Public Health
Religion M20 Introduction to Islam
Religion M60W Introduction to Buddhism
Romanian 103 Intensive Elementary Romanian
Scandinavian 50 Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures
Scandinavian 50W Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures
Scandinavian 60 Introduction to Nordic Cinema
Serbian / Croatian 103 Intensive Elementary Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian
Social Welfare 401A Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 401B Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 401C Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 402A Advanced Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 402B Advanced Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare M104C Diversity in Aging: Roles of Gender and Ethnicity
Sociology 1 Introductory Sociology
Sociology 101 Development of Sociological Theory
Sociology 102 Contemporary Sociological Theory
Sociology 128 Sociology of Emotions
Sociology 133 Collective Behavior
Sociology 147A Sociology of Crime
Sociology 172 Entrepreneurship
Sociology 180A Special Topics in Sociology: Lecture 1
Sociology 20 Introduction to Sociological Research Methods
Sociology M155 Latinos in U.S.
Sociology M163 Gender and Work
Sociology M175 Sociology of Education
Spanish 1 Elementary Spanish
Spanish 119 Introduction to Literary Analysis
Spanish 150 Topics in Contemporary Studies: Mothers and Daughters in Contemporary Spanish Literature and Film
Spanish 2 Elementary Spanish
Spanish 3 Elementary Spanish
Spanish 42 Iberian Cultures
Statistics 10 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
Statistics 100A Introduction to Probability
Statistics 101A Introduction to Data Analysis and Regression
Statistics 102A Introduction to Computational Statistics with R
Statistics 102C Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods
Statistics 13 Introduction to Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences
Statistics 20 Introduction to Statistical Programming with R
Theater 10 Introduction to Theater
Theater 107 Drama of Diversity
Theater 20 Acting Fundamentals
Theater M103D Contemporary Chicano Theater: Beginning of Chicano Theater Movement
Urban Planning M120 Introduction to Cities and Planning
Urban Planning M140 Issues in Latina/Latino Poverty: Mexican and Central American Voices from Los Angeles
Urban Planning M165 Environmentalism: Past, Present, and Future
World Arts and Cultures 120 Selected Topics in Cultural Studies: Sports Culture
World Arts and Cultures 80 Video Tools and Techniques
World Arts and Cultures M79 Food Politics: Cultural Solutions to Political Problems

Summer 3-week A3 (23.06.2025 - 11.07.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Arabic 1A Elementary Standard Arabic
Chinese 1 Elementary Modern Chinese
Chinese 4 Intermediate Modern Chinese
Communication 187 Ethical and Policy Issues in Institutions of Mass Communication
Film and Television 104 Film and Television Symposium
Film and Television 183A Producing I: Film and Television Development
Japanese 1 Elementary Modern Japanese
Japanese 4 Intermediate Modern Japanese
Korean 1 Elementary Modern Korean
Korean 4 Intermediate Modern Korean
Spanish 1 Elementary Spanish

Summer 10-week A10 (23.06.2025 - 29.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Bioengineering 596 Directed Individual or Tutorial Studies
Bioengineering 597C Preparation for PhD Oral Qualifying Examination
Civil and Environmental Engineering 296 Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering
Community Engagement and Social Change 165XP Storytelling for Social Justice: Research and Writing with Nonprofit Organizations
Computer Science 111 Operating Systems Principles
Education 195CE Community or Corporate Internships in Education
Electrical and Computer Engineering 233 Wireless Communications System Design, Modeling, and Implementation
Electrical and Computer Engineering 297 Seminar Series: Electrical Engineering: Seminar 1
Engineering 195 Internship Studies in Engineering
Engineering 95 Internship Studies in Engineering
Information Studies 498 Internship
International and Area Studies 195CE Community and Corporate Internships in International and Area Studies
Music Industry 195CE Community and Corporate Internships in Music Industry
Nursing 164 Maternity Nursing
Nursing 165 Pediatric Nursing
Nursing 268 Leadership in Health Care Systems
Nursing 438C Primary Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner Clinical Practicum III
Nursing 445 Advanced Practice Registered Nursing: Clinical Nurse Specialist Practicum
Nursing 461 Mental Health Nursing
Nursing 465C Tertiary Prevention and Care of Complex Medical-Surgical Patients and Families
Political Science 195CE Community and Corporate Internships in Political Science
Public Affairs 195CE Community or Corporate Internships in Public Affairs
Statistics 195CE Community or Corporate Internships in Public Affairs

Summer 9-week A9 (23.06.2025 - 22.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Civil and Environmental Engineering 103 Applied Numerical Computing and Modeling in Civil and Environmental Engineering
Computer Science 180 Introduction to Algorithms and Complexity
Computer Science 32 Introduction to Computer Science II
Japanese 100S Advanced Modern Japanese: Intensive
Social Welfare 402A Advanced Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 402B Advanced Practicum: Social Work

Summer 3-week B3 (14.07.2025 - 01.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Arabic 1B Elementary Standard Arabic
Chinese 2 Elementary Modern Chinese
Chinese 5 Intermediate Modern Chinese
English as A Second Language 20 Conversation and Fluency
English as A Second Language 22 Public Speaking
English as A Second Language 25 Academic Reading and Writing
English Composition 50 Writing Workshop
Film and Television 104 Film and Television Symposium
Film and Television 183B Producing II: Entertainment Economics
Japanese 2 Elementary Modern Japanese
Japanese 5 Intermediate Modern Japanese
Korean 2 Elementary Modern Korean
Korean 5 Intermediate Modern Korean
Labor Studies 191A Labor Studies: Research Principles, Methods, and Practices: Seminar 1
Spanish 2 Elementary Spanish

Summer 6-week C6 (04.08.2025 - 12.09.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
African American Studies 110A Race, Science, and Society
African American Studies 188A Special Courses in African American Studies: Lecture 1
African American Studies 188A Special Courses in African American Studies: Lecture 5
African American Studies 188A Special Courses in African American Studies: Lecture 6
American Sign Language 8 Intensive Elementary American Sign Language
Ancient Near East 14W Medicine, Magic, and Science in Ancient Times
Ancient Near East 15W Women and Power in Ancient World
Ancient Near East M103A History of Ancient Egypt
Ancient Near East M130 Ancient Egyptian Religion
Anthropology 1 Human Evolution
Anthropology 126P Paleopathology
Anthropology 129 Selected Topics in Biological Anthropology: Lecture 1
Anthropology 136M Medical Anthropology
Anthropology 139 Selected Topics in Cultural Anthropology: Lecture 1
Anthropology 146 Urban Anthropology
Anthropology 151 Ethnography of Everyday Speech
Anthropology 4 Culture and Communication
Art History 130 Selected Topics in Modern Art: Arab Avant-Garde
Art History 132 Selected Topics in Contemporary Art: Diaspora in Modern and Contemporary Art
Art History C114D Selected Topics in Ancient Art: Ancient Art and Its Afterlives
Art History C140 Selected Topics in Arts of Indigenous Americas: Art out of Ores: Metalworking in Indigenous Americas
Art History C153 Selected Topics in Korean Art: Understanding Korean Art in East Asian Context
Art History CM139A Maya Art and Architecture
Asian American Studies 107 Scholarly and Creative Communication in Asian American Studies
Asian American Studies M129 Health Issues for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Myth or Model?
Asian American Studies M191F Topics in Asian American Literature: Asian American Worldbuilding and Genre Fiction: Creating One's Own World
Asian Studies M60W Introduction to Buddhism
Astronomy 5 Life in Universe
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2 Air Pollution
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 2L Air Pollution Laboratory
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3 Meteorology and Extreme Weather
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences 3L Meteorology and Extreme Weather Laboratory
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences M105 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography
Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences M7 Perils of Space: Introduction to Space Weather
Bioengineering 596 Directed Individual or Tutorial Studies
Bioengineering 597C Preparation for PhD Oral Qualifying Examination
Biomedical Research 5HA Biomedical Research: Concepts and Strategies
Biostatistics 100 Introduction to Biostatistics
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14B General Chemistry for Life Scientists II
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14CL General and Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Chemistry and Biochemistry 14D Organic Reactions and Pharmaceuticals
Chemistry and Biochemistry 153B Biochemistry: DNA, RNA, and Protein Synthesis
Chemistry and Biochemistry 30B Organic Chemistry II: Reactivity, Synthesis, and Spectroscopy
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 101 Theoretical Concepts in Chicana/Chicano Studies
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 10A Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: History and Culture
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 10B Introduction to Chicana/Chicano Studies: Social Structure and Contemporary Conditions
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 151 Human Rights in Americas
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 188 Special Courses in Chicana/o and Central American Studies: Environmental Justice: Race, Class, and Gender
Chicana/o and Central American Studies 188 Special Courses in Chicana/o and Central American Studies: Latinx Animation History
Chicana/o and Central American Studies CM106 Health in Chicano/Latino Population
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M114 Chicanos in Film/Video
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M122 Planning Issues in Latina/Latino Communities: Preserving and Strengthening Community Assets in Mexican and Salvadoran Los Angeles
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M124 Latinx Immigration Policy and Politics
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M129 Community-Engaged Research Methods
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M137 Maya Art and Architecture
Chicana/o and Central American Studies M158 Chicana Historiography
Civil and Environmental Engineering 296 Advanced Topics in Civil Engineering
Classics 10 Discovering Greeks
Classics 30 Classical Mythology
Communication 1 Principles of Oral Communication
Communication 110 Gender and Communication
Communication 111 Conflict and Communication
Communication 140 Theory of Persuasive Communication
Communication 145 Television Sitcom and American Culture
Communication 146 Evolution of Mass Media Images
Communication 148 Marketing Communications
Communication 156 Social Networking
Communication 166 Inside Hollywood
Communication 184 Summer Internships
Communication 188A Variable Topics in Mass Communication and Media Institutions: Film Funding
Communication 188B Variable Topics in Interpersonal Communication: Intrapersonal Writing
Communication 1A Public Speaking for Nonnative Speakers
Communication 1B Learning American English and Culture from Movies
Community Health Sciences 48 Nutrition and Food Studies: Principles and Practice
Community Health Sciences M140 Health Issues for Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders: Myth or Model?
Comparative Literature 4DW Literature and Writing: Great Books from World at Large
Computer Science 192 Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Dance 10 Beginning Martial Arts: Studio 1
Dance 12 Beginning Special Topics: Somatic Rhythm
Dance 12 Beginning Special Topics: Studio 1
Disability Studies 101W Perspectives on Disability Studies
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 1 Introduction to Earth Science
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 15 Blue Planet: Introduction to Oceanography
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 17 Dinosaurs and Their Relatives
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences 9 Solar System and Planets
Earth, Planetary, and Space Sciences M7 Perils of Space: Introduction to Space Weather
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 100 Introduction to Ecology and Behavior
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 100L Introduction to Ecology and Behavior Laboratory
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 116 Conservation Biology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 129 Animal Behavior
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 144 Prehistoric California
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 162 Plant Physiology
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology 162L Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology Laboratory
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology M139 Introduction to Chemical Oceanography
Economics 1 Principles of Economics
Economics 101 Microeconomic Theory
Economics 102 Macroeconomic Theory
Economics 103 Introduction to Econometrics
Economics 103L Econometrics Laboratory
Economics 106F Finance
Economics 11 Microeconomic Theory
Economics 122 International Finance
Economics 2 Principles of Economics
Economics 41 Probability and Statistics for Economists
Economics 441A Applied Data Management for Economists
Education 118 Sociology of Community Colleges
Education 123 Teaching Profession
Education 132 Autism: Mind, Brain, and Education
Education 147 Social Context of Learners in K-12: Diversity, Residential Mobility, Immigration, and Food Security Conditions in California
Education 35 Introduction to Inquiry and Research in Education
Education 498A Directed Field Experience
Electrical and Computer Engineering 297 Seminar Series: Electrical Engineering: Seminar 2
Engineering 111 Introduction to Finance and Marketing for Engineers
Engineering 112 Laboratory to Market, Entrepreneurship for Engineers
English 115E Science Fiction: Lecture 1
English 177 Interdisciplinary Studies of American Culture: American Horror Stories from Sleepy Hollow to The Sunken Place
English 20W Introduction to Creative Writing
English 4W Critical Reading and Writing
English M107B Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Lecture 1
English M191C Topics in Asian American Literature: Seminar 1
English as A Second Language 20 Conversation and Fluency
English as A Second Language 22 Public Speaking
English as A Second Language 23 American Culture through Film
English as A Second Language 25 Academic Reading and Writing
English Composition 131B Specialized Writing: Business and Social Policy
English Composition 2 Approaches to University Writing
English Composition 3 English Composition, Rhetoric, and Language
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 3
English Composition 5W Literature, Culture, and Critical Inquiry: Lecture 4
Environment M133 Environmental Sociology
Epidemiology 100 Principles of Epidemiology
Ethnomusicology CM182 Music Industry
Film and Television 114 Film Genres: Horror Film
Film and Television 122E Digital Cinematography
Film and Television 122J Disney Feature: Then and Now
Film and Television 122M Film and Television Directing
Film and Television 33 Introductory Screenwriting
Film and Television 4 Introduction to Art and Technique of Filmmaking
Film and Television M117 Chicanos in Film/Video
Food Studies M177 Superfoods: Cultural and Global Perspectives
Gender Studies 101W Writing Gender
Gender Studies M107B Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Lecture 1
Gender Studies M133C History of Prostitution
Gender Studies M157 Chicana Historiography
Gender Studies M162 Sociology of Gender
Gender Studies M164 Politics of Reproduction and Everyday Life
Gender Studies M186B Global Feminism, 1850 to Present
Geography 160 Urban Geography
Geography 171B California
Geography 180 Cartography
Geography 181B Advanced Geographic Information Systems
Geography 182B Remote Sensing: Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Geography 5 People and Earth's Ecosystems
Geography 7 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems
Global Health 160 Selected Topics in Global Health: Lecture 1
Global Studies 1 Introduction to Globalization
Global Studies 103 Globalization: Governance and Conflict
Global Studies 141 Hollywood and Tales of Underrepresented Communities
Global Studies M177 Superfoods: Cultural and Global Perspectives
Health Policy and Management 202 Introduction to Statistics and Research Methods for Health Services Research
Health Policy and Management 266A Community-Based Participatory Health Research: Methods and Applications
Health Policy and Management 400 Field Studies in Health Services
History 115 Topics in Ancient History: Comedy and City
History 132 Topics in European History: Europe after Hitler, 1945 to Present
History 13C History of the U.S. and Its Colonial Origins: 20th Century
History 154 History of California
History 187I Variable Topics Historiography Proseminar: Science/Technology: History of Science in Modern China, 1840 to 1980
History 8A Colonial Latin America
History C191F Topics in History: Near East: Ottoman Legacy through Cities: Art, Architecture, and Culture
History M103A History of Ancient Egypt
History M133C History of Prostitution
History M142C History of Religion in U.S.
History M151D Chicana Historiography
History M186B Global Feminism, 1850 to Present
Honors Collegium M143 Latinx Immigration Policy and Politics
International and Area Studies 31 Introduction to Southeast Asia
International Development Studies 1 Introduction to International Development Studies
International Development Studies 110 Culture, Power, and Development
International Development Studies 140 Decolonizing Political Economy: Colonialism and Development
International Development Studies M150 Political Economy of Climate Change
International Development Studies M177 Superfoods: Cultural and Global Perspectives
Islamic Studies M20 Introduction to Islam
Japanese 75 Anime
Japanese C159 Variable Topics in Culture and Society in Japan: Lecture 1
Labor Studies 174 Labor and Employment Law
Labor Studies M122 Planning Issues in Latina/Latino Communities: Preserving and Strengthening Community Assets in Mexican and Salvadoran Los Angeles
Labor Studies M129 Community-Engaged Research Methods
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies M107B Studies in Gender and Sexuality: Lecture 1
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Studies M137 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Perspectives in Pop Music
Life Sciences 192B Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Life Sciences 192C Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Life Sciences 192D Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Life Sciences
Life Sciences 30B Mathematics for Life Scientists
Life Sciences 7A Cell and Molecular Biology
Life Sciences 7B Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology
Life Sciences 7C Physiology and Human Biology
Life Sciences 7L Introduction to Laboratory and Scientific Methodology
Linguistics 1 Introduction to Study of Language
Linguistics 110 Introduction to Historical Linguistics
Linguistics 120A Phonology I
Linguistics 120C Semantics I
Linguistics 165A Phonology II
Linguistics 165B Syntax II
Linguistics 185A Computational Linguistics I
Linguistics 20 Introduction to Linguistic Analysis
Linguistics C140 Bilingualism and Second Language Acquisition
Management 127B Corporate and Partnership Taxation
Management 142A Analytics in Accounting I
Management 142B Analytics in Accounting II
Management 160 Entrepreneurship and Venture Initiation
Management 1B Principles of Accounting
Mathematics 151B Applied Numerical Methods
Mathematics 167 Mathematical Game Theory
Mathematics 170S Introduction to Probability and Statistics 2: Statistics
Mathematics 177 Theory of Interest and Applications
Mathematics 296G Research Seminar: Analysis
Mathematics 31B Integration and Infinite Series
Mathematics 32B Calculus of Several Variables
Mathematics 33B Differential Equations
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 138 Developmental Biology
Molecular, Cell, and Developmental Biology 60 Biomedical Ethics
Music 3 Preparatory Music Theory
Music 80A Beginning Keyboard
Music 80F Beginning Guitar Class
Music 80V Vocal Technique for Beginners
Music CM182 Music Industry
Music Industry 107A Engineering and Production Fundamentals
Music Industry 111A Rock/Pop Studio Ensemble I
Music Industry M182 Music Industry
Musicology 12W Writing about Music
Musicology 7 Film and Music
Musicology 8 History of Electronic Dance Music
Musicology CM186 Music Industry
Musicology M137 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Perspectives in Pop Music
Neuroscience 150 Biotechnology in Neuroscience
Nursing 175 Physical Assessment for Advanced Practice
Nursing 3 Human Physiology for Healthcare Providers
Nursing 445 Advanced Practice Registered Nursing: Clinical Nurse Specialist Practicum
Philosophy 155A Medical Ethics: Lecture 1
Philosophy 174 Topics in Theory of Knowledge: Lecture 1
Philosophy 177A Existentialism: Lecture 1
Philosophy 22 Introduction to Ethical Theory
Philosophy 3 Historical Introduction to Philosophy
Philosophy 7 Introduction to Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy C127A Philosophy of Language: Lecture 1
Physics 192 Undergraduate Practicum in Physics
Physics 192M Methods and Application of Collaborative Learning Theory in Physical Sciences
Physics 1A Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics
Physics 1B Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Oscillations, Waves, Electric and Magnetic Fields
Physics 1C Physics for Scientists and Engineers: Electrodynamics, Optics, and Special Relativity
Physics 4AL Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers: Mechanics
Physics 4BL Physics Laboratory for Scientists and Engineers: Electricity and Magnetism
Physics 5A Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Mechanics and Energy
Physics 5B Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Thermodynamics, Fluids, Waves, Light, and Optics
Physics 5C Physics for Life Sciences Majors: Electricity, Magnetism, and Modern Physics
Physiological Science 153 Dissection Anatomy
Physiological Science 166 Animal Physiology
Political Science 10 Introduction to Political Theory
Political Science 119 Special Studies in Political Theory: Lecture 2
Political Science 119 Special Studies in Political Theory: Lecture 3
Political Science 139 Special Studies in International Relations: Lecture 1
Political Science 139 Special Studies in International Relations: Politics of Artificial Intelligence
Political Science 140B National Institutions: The Presidency
Political Science 149 Special Topics in American Government and Politics: Lecture 1
Political Science 169 Special Studies in Comparative Politics: Political Economy of Mexico
Political Science 186 Special Studies in Race, Ethnicity, and Politics: Lecture 3
Political Science 40 Introduction to American Politics
Political Science 50 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Political Science M152 Political Economy of Climate Change
Portugese M35 Spanish, Portuguese, and Nature of Language
Psychology 10 Introductory Psychology
Psychology 100A Psychological Statistics
Psychology 100B Research Methods in Psychology
Psychology 110 Fundamentals of Learning
Psychology 118 Comparative Psychobiology
Psychology 120A Cognitive Psychology
Psychology 121 Laboratory in Cognitive Psychology
Psychology 127A Clinical Psychological Science
Psychology 129E Human Sexuality
Psychology 131 Research in Developmental Psychology
Psychology 133C Language Development
Psychology 133F Psychology and Education
Psychology 134C Advanced Applied Developmental Psychology
Psychology 134K Effects of Early Adversity and Trauma
Psychology 135 Social Psychology
Psychology 162 Psychology of Addiction
Psychology 168 Organizational Psychology
Psychology 188B Special Courses in Psychology: History of Psychological Science
Psychology 20A MATLAB Programming for Behavioral Sciences
Psychology 85 Introduction to Cognitive Science
Public Affairs 116 Using Qualitative Methods to Understand Social Problems and Their Potential Solutions
Public Affairs M117C Community-Engaged Research Methods
Public Health M106 Health in Chicano/Latino Population
Religion M132 Ancient Egyptian Religion
Religion M142C History of Religion in U.S.
Religion M20 Introduction to Islam
Religion M60W Introduction to Buddhism
Romanian 103 Intensive Elementary Romanian
Scandinavian 50 Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures
Scandinavian 50W Introduction to Scandinavian Literatures and Cultures
Scandinavian 60 Introduction to Nordic Cinema
Social Welfare 270 Being Leader and Effective Exercise of Leadership: Ontological/Phenomenological Model
Social Welfare 401A Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 401B Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 401C Practicum: Social Work
Social Welfare 402C Advanced Practicum: Social Work
Society and Genetics M133 Environmental Sociology
Sociology 1 Introductory Sociology
Sociology 101 Development of Sociological Theory
Sociology 102 Contemporary Sociological Theory
Sociology 123 Social Change
Sociology 130 Self and Society
Sociology 132 Social Psychology: Sociological Approaches
Sociology 135 Sociology of Body
Sociology 145 Sociology of Deviant Behavior
Sociology 168 Organizations and Society
Sociology 170 Medical Sociology
Sociology 171 Occupations and Professions
Sociology 20 Introduction to Sociological Research Methods
Sociology M115 Environmental Sociology
Sociology M162 Sociology of Gender
Sociology M164 Politics of Reproduction and Everyday Life
Spanish 150 Topics in Contemporary Studies: Lost Voices of Andean Indigenous Feminism
Spanish 170 Topics in Interdisciplinary and Transhistorical Studies: Introduction to Basque Studies: An Angelino Approach
Spanish 2 Elementary Spanish
Spanish 3 Elementary Spanish
Spanish 44 Latin American Cultures
Spanish M35 Spanish, Portuguese, and Nature of Language
Statistics 10 Introduction to Statistical Reasoning
Statistics 100B Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Statistics 100C Linear Models
Statistics 101B Introduction to Design and Analysis of Experiment
Statistics 101C Introduction to Statistical Models and Data Mining
Statistics 102B Introduction to Computation and Optimization for Statistics
Statistics 13 Introduction to Statistical Methods for Life and Health Sciences
Theater 10 Introduction to Theater
Theater 102B K-Pop: Race, Gender, and Sexuality in Globalizing Asian Media
Theater 106 History of American Theater and Drama
Theater 110 History of American Musical Theater
Theater 20 Acting Fundamentals
University Studies 1 Ace the UCLA College-to-Career Transition
University Studies 10A ACE UCLA | Critical Strategies to Achieve Undergraduate Excellence (First- and Second-Year Students)
Urban Planning 121 Urban Policy and Planning
Urban Planning M171 Planning Issues in Latina/Latino Communities: Preserving and Strengthening Community Assets in Mexican and Salvadoran Los Angeles
World Arts and Cultures 178 Advanced Private Instruction in World Arts and Cultures
World Arts and Cultures 51W Aliens, Psychics, and Ghosts
World Arts and Cultures M79 Food Politics: Cultural Solutions to Political Problems

Summer 3-week C3 (04.08.2025 - 22.08.2025) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate

Fachbereich Kursnummer Kursbezeichnung
Arabic 1C Elementary Standard Arabic
Chinese 3 Elementary Modern Chinese
Chinese 6 Intermediate Modern Chinese
Film and Television 187B Domestic and Global Entertainment Industry Careers and Strategies
Film and Television 187C Scripted and Unscripted Series Development for Domestic and Global Streaming Services
Japanese 3 Elementary Modern Japanese
Japanese 6 Intermediate Modern Japanese
Korean 3 Elementary Modern Korean
Korean 6 Intermediate Modern Korean
Labor Studies 191B Labor Studies: Research in Action
Spanish 3 Elementary Spanish