Bangor University
Bangor, GroßbritannienBewerbungsschritte
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Brooke Perry Studienberaterin Anfrage an Brooke |
Erfahrungsberichte zu dieser Hochschule
1 Bewertungen
Gemäß ihrem Motto „The Best Gift is Knowledge“ genießt die prestigeträchtige Bangor University international einen hervorragenden Ruf als besonders forschungsstarke Universität. Auch ihr Fokus auf eine exzellente Lehre zahlt sich aus: im Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) erzielte die Bangor University als einzige Institution in Wales den Status "Gold", die beste Bewertung im Ranking.
Community Spirit wird an der traditionsreichen Universität besonders groß geschrieben. Bei gerade einmal 12.000 Studierenden trefft ihr an jeder Ecke ein bekanntes Gesicht und werdet in kleinen Kursen persönlich von den Professoren betreut. Außerdem legt die Universität im Nordosten von Wales einen großen Wert auf die Studienerfahrung. Kein Wunder also, dass sie im National Student Survey (NSS) 2018 unter den Top Ten der Universitäten Großbritanniens mit der höchsten Studienzufriedenheit landete und gleich zweimal den Whatuni Student Choice Award for Best Clubs and Societies gewonnen hat.
Die Bangor University ist in 14 Fakultäten an drei unterschiedlichen Colleges aufgeteilt, die 300 Undergraduate und 100 Graduate Kurse in den Bereichen Arts, Humanities und Science anbieten:
- College of Arts, Humanities and Business
- College of Environmental Sciences and Engineering
- College of Human Sciences
Besonders renommiert sind die Studiengänge in den Fachbereichen Psychology, Agriculture & Forestry und Environmental Sciences.
Wer schon im Studium praktische Erfahrungen sammeln möchte, hat die Möglichkeit, ein integriertes Praktikum zu absolvieren oder Freiwilligenarbeit zu leisten.
Ihr wollt in das traditionelle britische Campusleben eintauchen? Dann solltet ihr den Serendipity-Fair nicht verpassen! In der Welcome Week stellen sich mehr als 100 Societies, 50 Sportclubs und 30 verschiedene Volunteer-Projekte vor, die das ganze Semester über spannende Aktivitäten organisieren.
Gründungsjahr: 1884
Hochschultyp: Staatliche Hochschule
Anzahl Studenten: Gesamt 12000 , International 1200
Das akademische Jahr der Bangor University ist in zwei Semester unterteilt - Semester 1 und Semester 2.
Der im neogotischen Stil errichtete Campus der Bangor University thront auf einem Hügel und bietet einen wunderbaren Ausblick auf das beschauliche Universitätsstädtchen Bangor. Dieses liegt im Nordwesten von Wales zwischen der malerischen Insel Anglesey und dem atemberaubenden Snowdonia Nationalpark. Mit ihren 20.000 Einwohnern ist das Stadtbild stark von der Universität und ihren rund 10.000 Studierenden geprägt.
Für Naturliebhaber und Aktivsportler ist die Region um die Bangor University ideal. Die langen Strände der Insel Anglessy sind Hotspots für Surfer und eignen sich perfekt für ausgiebige Spaziergänge. In der rauen Berglandschaft Snowdonias befinden sich zahlreiche spektakuläre Wanderwege, die über 90 Gipfel zum höchsten Berg des Landes, dem Mount Snowdon, führen sowie tolle Mountainbergrouten mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeitsgraden. Wem das nicht genug Abenteuer ist, kann sich auch per Zip Line in die Lüfte schwingen lassen.
Das Land der Mythen und Seen hat natürlich auch jede Menge prachtvolle Schlösser und Burgen wie das imposante Harlech Castle zu bieten.
Pulsierende Metropolen wie London, Manchester und Liverpool sind von Bangor gut mit dem Zug zu erreichen.
Internationale Studierende der Bangor University erhalten im ersten Studienjahr eine Garantie auf ein Zimmer in modernen Studentenwohnheimen, die unweit des Campus gelegen sind. Wer sich für eine Unterkunft der Bangor University entscheidet, erhält sowohl eine kostenlose Mitgliedschaft im universitätseigenen Canolfan Brailsford Sport Centre also auch kostenlosen Zugang zu mehr als 150 Studentenclubs und Societies der Student Union.
Detaillierte Informationen zu den Unterkünften findet ihr über den untenstehenden Link. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.
Folgende Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl:
- Studentenwohnheim
Die konkrete Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten kann je nach Studienprogramm variieren. Detaillierte Informationen findet ihr über die Links oder in der "Gratisbroschüre" zum jeweiligen Programm. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.
Die Hochschulstadt Bangor
Bangor im Nordwesten von Wales ist ein absoluter Geheimtipp. Die beschauliche Küstenstadt hat etwa 20.000 Einwohner, darunter 12.000 Studierende. Somit prägt die lebendige Studentenkultur das Stadtbild.
In der ältesten Stadt von Wales findet ihr euch schnell zurecht. Der idyllische Campus der Bangor University, der auf einem Hügel thront, die modernen Studentenwohnheime und das historische Stadtzentrum sind fußläufig zu erreichen.
An sonnigen Tagen könnt ihr durch die Altstadt schlendern, traditionellen Cream Tea in den urgemütlichen Cafés probieren, die berühmte Kathedrale besuchen und auf dem Victoria Pier den Blick auf die traumhafte Insel Anglesey genießen.
Die Gegend um Bangor ist ein absolutes Paradies für Sportler und Naturbegeisterte. Die prächtige Berg- und Tallandschaft des Snowdonia Nationalparks bieten jede Menge spektakuläre Abenteuer und Action – vom Wandern und Bergsteigen über Kajaktouren bis hin zu Mountainbiking ist alles möglich. Ein Highlight ist auch die Fahrt mit der Snowdon Mountain Railway durch die Gipfel, die eine spektakuläre Aussicht bieten. Wassersportler werden von Surf Snowdonia, Europas größter Surflagune, begeistert sein.
Wer beeindruckende Burgen und Schlösser sehen möchte, muss nur einen Ausflug in die umliegenden Dörfer wie Beaumaris, Caernarfon oder Conwy machen.
Aktuellste News zur Hochschule
Teil 2 - Gold Coast, South Australia & Tasmanien: Die besten Alternativen zum Auslandssemester in Australien
Nachdem wir in Part I Alternativen zu den Weltstädten Sydney und Melbourne unter die Lupe genommen haben, möchten wir uns in Part II einigen der spannendsten Alternativen zu einem Auslandssemester an der australischen Gold Coast, in South Australia oder in Tasmanien widmen.
Hast du Lust auf relaxten Beach Lifestyle? Stehst du auf Festivals, außergewöhnliche Landschaften und entspanntes Flair? Oder lockt dich die unberührte Natur Tasmaniens? Auch wenn Down Under selbstverständlich ein unvergleichliches Sehnsuchtsziel bleibt, findest du hier bestimmt eine tolle Alternative für dein Auslandssemester!
Traumhochschule gefunden?
Ansonsten haben wir noch viele weitere Hochschulen im Angebot, schau einfach mal rein! Wir beraten dich gern zu deinen Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland.
Die Bangor University hat sehr viele verschiedene Studiengänge auf Bachelorniveau in den unterschiedlichsten Bereichen im Angebot. Dazu gehören beispielsweise Psychology, Accounting, Banking & Finance, Business Studies & Marketing sowie Design & Technology.
In der Regel hat ein Bachelorstudiengang eine Dauer von drei Jahren. In vielen Programmen ist zusätzlich ein einjähriges Praktikum oder ein Studienjahr im Ausland enthalten.
Die Studiengebühren für ein Bachelorstudium an der Bangor University liegen für EU-Staatsbürger derzeit bei £9000 pro Jahr.
Wenn man einen Bachelorabschluss machen möchte, muss man bereits das Abitur absolviert haben.
Außerdem müssen Studendierende, deren Muttersprache nicht Englisch ist, durch eine Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS ausreichende Sprachkenntnisse nachweisen. Für einige Fächer sind die Anforderungen ein wenig höher als untren angegeben.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | |
CAE | 169 |
IELTS | 6.0 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Bachelor Arts in Media Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor Arts in Mediaeval and Early Modern His
- Bachelor Arts in Modern & Contemporary History
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Economics (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Banking with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Bankingt
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business
- Bachelor of Arts in Business
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Computer Information Systems
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Law (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Lawt
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Stud & Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Marketing (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood Studies/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & French with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & French with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and French with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and German with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Stds & English Lang.
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative&Professional Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Just (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymdeithaseg & Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Eng Lang with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Eng Lang with Film Studs
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lang with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lang. & Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lang. & Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and French
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and German
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language for TEFL
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language w English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language with Creative Writing (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lit with Creative Writing with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature & Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and History
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in French & German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French & German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Italian with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in French with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Psychology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in French, German & Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French, German & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French, Italian & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Italian with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Banking (Joint Hons)
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in German with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German, Italian & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in German/French
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Spanish (4 years)
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care / Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care/Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care/Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Health and Social Care with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Herit, Archaeology & History
- Bachelor of Arts in Heritage, Archaeology & History with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in History (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in History and Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in History and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Archaeology with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Film Studies with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in History/French
- Bachelor of Arts in History/French
- Bachelor of Arts in History/German
- Bachelor of Arts in History/German
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in International English Language for TEFL
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics & the English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics & the English Language with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (with International Experience) (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics with English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/Spanisht
- Bachelor of Arts in Management with Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and French (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and French (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and German (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and German (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Italian (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Italian (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Spanish (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Spanish (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music & Hist & Welsh Hist (IE)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music and Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Games Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and History
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Welsh
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Welsh History
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy & Economics (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy & Economics (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy and Criminology and Criminal Justice (IE)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Criminology & Criminal Justice with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Economics (4 yr with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Economics (4 yr with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish & Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History and Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History with Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/Sociology
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Law in Law Law with History
- Bachelor of Law in Law Law with History (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law Law with Philosophy and Religion
- Bachelor of Law in Law Law with Social Policy (4 yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Accounting & Finance (4yr with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Business (4year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Chinese
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Criminology (4 yr with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with English Literature (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with French (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with German (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Italian (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Spanish (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law with Politics
- Bachelor of Nursing in Adult Nursing
- Bachelor of Nursing in Bachelor of Nursing (Adult)
- Bachelor of Nursing in Bachelor of Nursing (Child)
- Bachelor of Nursing in Bachelor of Nursing (LD)
- Bachelor of Nursing in Bachelor of Nursing (MH)
- Bachelor of Nursing in Children's Nursingt
- Bachelor of Nursing in Learning DisabilitiesNursing
- Bachelor of Nursing in Mental Health Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Design and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems for Business
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science for Business
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting & Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Banking (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Banking with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Bankingt
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economics (4 year with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economics with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economicst
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Adventure Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Marine Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (4 year w Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Financial Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Biology with Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with Foundation Year
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics and Financial Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Business Stud & Finance (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies & Marketing (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies & Marketing with Intl Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Finance (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Coastal Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Games Design
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation & Forest Ecosys.
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation and Forest Ecosys
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry (four year)
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Creative Technologies
- Bachelor of Science in Critical Care (Coronary Care)
- Bachelor of Science in Critical Care (Intensive Care)
- Bachelor of Science in Critical Care (Renal)
- Bachelor of Science in Critical Care-High Dependency
- Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning
- Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Visualisation
- Bachelor of Science in Diagnostic Radiography
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering and Music
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geography (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Geography with Environmental Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Geography with Environmental Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Oceanography
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Oceanography (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Health & Social Care
- Bachelor of Science in Health & Social Care (4 yr with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Health and Wellbeing
- Bachelor of Science in Health Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Account (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Accounting
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Accounting (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Zoology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology/Oceanography
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology/Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Environmental Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Environmental Studies with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Vertebrate Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Vertebrate Zoology (with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Biochemistry with Foundation Year
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Science
- Bachelor of Science in Neuropsychology
- Bachelor of Science in Ocean and Geophysics
- Bachelor of Science in Ocean Science
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Geography and Oceanography
- Bachelor of Science in Product Design
- Bachelor of Science in Product Design with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology w Clinical & Health Psychology (4yr with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology w.Chld Lng. Dvlpmnt
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Child Language Development (Int Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Clinical & Health Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Clinical & Health Psychology (Int Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Forensic Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Neuropsy (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Neuropsychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Neuropsychology (4yr with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science (ODA)
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science (outdoor activities)
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Business
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Business
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Business Management
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Sport, Health & Exercise Sci.
- Bachelor of Science in Sport- Health & Physical Educ
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (Outdoor Activities) (with Int Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Animal Behaviour
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Animal Behaviour (with International Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Climate Change Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Conservation with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Herpetology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Marine Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Marine Zoology (with International Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Ornithology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Primatology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Psychology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Social Policy
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Psychology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Social Plcy
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Sociology
- Bachelor or Arts in Primary Education
An der Bangor University werden unterschiedliche Masterstudiengänge aus Bereichen wie Psychology, Law, Computer Science, Engineering, Medien, Naturwissenschaften und vielen anderen angeboten. Meistens können sie innerhalb eines Jahres absolviert werden.
Nach dem Masterabschluss kann man anschließend als Experte ins Berufsleben einsteigen oder eine Promotion zu machen und in die Forschung zu gehen.
Die Studiengebühren variieren je nach Studiengang. Weitere Informationen könnt ihr unter dem folgenden Link finden.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Für die Teilnahme an einem Masterstudiengang benötigt ihr einen guten Bachelorabschluss, der aus dem gleichen Fachbereich stammen sollte. Darüber hinaus haben viele Studiengänge zusätzlich noch spezifische Zulassungsvoraussetzungen.
Außerdem müssen ausreichende Englischkenntnisse mit Hilfe einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS nachgewiesen werden.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
CAE | 176 |
IELTS | 6.5 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics for TEFL
- Master of Arts in Arthurian Literature
- Master of Arts in Banking and Law
- Master of Arts in Bilingualism
- Master of Arts in Business and Marketing
- Master of Arts in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Arts in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Arts in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Law
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Law
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Sociology
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Sociology
- Master of Arts in Criminology, Criminal Justice, Social Policy, Sociology
- Master of Arts in Documentary
- Master of Arts in Education Studies
- Master of Arts in English Literature
- Master of Arts in European Languages and Cultures
- Master of Arts in Film Studies
- Master of Arts in Filmmaking: Concept to Screen
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Literatures of Wales
- Master of Arts in Medieval Studies
- Master of Arts in Medieval Studies
- Master of Arts in Music
- Master of Arts in Music and Management
- Master of Arts in Music with Education
- Master of Arts in Performance Psychology
- Master of Arts in Philosophy and Religion
- Master of Arts in Professional Writing
- Master of Arts in Psychology
- Master of Arts in Social Policy
- Master of Arts in Social Work
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Sport History, Culture and Media
- Master of Arts in Translation Studies
- Master of Arts in Translation Studies
- Master of Arts in Welsh
- Master of Arts in Welsh History
- Master of History
- Master of Music in Performance
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice
- Master of Science in Advanced Computer Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Data Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems
- Master of Science in Agroforestry
- Master of Science in Agroforestry and Food Security
- Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry
- Master of Science in Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Master of Science in Applied Innovation Design
- Master of Science in Applied Marketing Science
- Master of Science in Applied Mental Health Practice
- Master of Science in Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology
- Master of Science in Applied Sport Science
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance (Chartered Banker)
- Master of Science in Biomedical Science
- Master of Science in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Science in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Science in Celtic Archaeology
- Master of Science in Clinical and Health Psychology
- Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
- Master of Science in Computer Science
- Master of Science in Computer Science with Visualisation
- Master of Science in Computing for Data Science
- Master of Science in Conservation and Land Management
- Master of Science in Consumer Psychology and Business
- Master of Science in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Master of Science in Counselling
- Master of Science in Data Science
- Master of Science in Dementia Studies
- Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Master of Science in Environmental and Business Management
- Master of Science in Environmental and Business Management
- Master of Science in Environmental Forestry
- Master of Science in Environmental Forestry
- Master of Science in Exercise Rehabilitation
- Master of Science in Finance
- Master of Science in Food Security in the Changing Environment (by Distance Learning)
- Master of Science in Forestry (by Distance Learning)
- Master of Science in Forestry and Environmental Management
- Master of Science in Forestry and Environmental Management degrees
- Master of Science in Information Management
- Master of Science in International Media and Management
- Master of Science in International Media and Management
- Master of Science in Investment Management
- Master of Science in Investment Management
- Master of Science in Islamic Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Language Acquisition and Development
- Master of Science in Leading Quality Improvement
- Master of Science in Management and Finance
- Master of Science in Management and Finance
- Master of Science in Marine Biology
- Master of Science in Marine Biology
- Master of Science in Marine Environmental Protection
- Master of Science in Medical Education Practice
- Master of Science in Midwifery Science
- Master of Science in Mindfulness-Based Approaches
- Master of Science in Molecular Biology with Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Nanotechnology and Microfabrication
- Master of Science in Neuroimaging
- Master of Science in Physical Oceanography
- Master of Science in Physician Associate Studies
- Master of Science in Positive Behavior Support
- Master of Science in Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology
- Master of Science in Psychology
- Master of Science in Renewable Energy
- Master of Science in Rise of the Machines
- Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Master of Science in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
- Master of Science in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
- Master of Science in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
- Master of Science in Sustainable Tropical Forestry
- Master of Science in Sustainable Tropical Forestry
- Master of Science in Tropical Forestry (by Distance Learning)
- Master of Science in Tropical Forestry (by Distance Learning)
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Research
- Master of Science in Advanced Visualization, Virtual Environments and Computer Animation (by Research)
- Master of Science in Ageing and Dementia Studies (by Research)
- Master of Science in Biological Sciences (by Research)
- Master of Science in Environmental Microbiology and Biotechnology (by Research)
- Master of Science in Environmental Sciences(by Research)
- Master of Science in Relational Design (by Research)
Wer seinen Masterabschluss mit einer guten Abschlussnote in der Tasche hat, kann sich an der Bangor University in die Forschung begeben und auf diese Weise den Doktortitel erlangen. Dazu gehört nicht nur fachliches Wissen, sondern man erlernt auch die neuesten Forschungstechniken.
Die meisten forschungsbasierten Abschlüsse haben eine Dauer von mindestens drei Jahren.
Die Studiengebühren variieren je nach Programm und können im unten stehenden Link eingesehen werden.
Um an der Bangor University promovieren zu können, muss man einen guten Masterabschluss im entsprechenden Fachbereich besitzen.
Ausreichende Englischkenntnisse werden ebenfalls vorausgesetzt und anhand einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS nachgewiesen. Diese kann aber je nach Studiengang unterschiedlich sein.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
CAE | 176 |
IELTS | 6.5 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Doctor of Philosophy in Accounting, Banking, Economics, Finance, Management Studies and Marketing
- Doctor of Philosophy in Ageing and Cognitive Health
- Doctor of Philosophy in Ageing and Dementia Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agriculture
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agroforestry
- Doctor of Philosophy in Archaeology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Agents
- Doctor of Philosophy in Bilingualism
- Doctor of Philosophy in Biological Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Celtic Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry
- Doctor of Philosophy in Chinese Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Networks and Protocols
- Doctor of Philosophy in Conservation
- Doctor of Philosophy in Creative and Critical Writing
- Doctor of Philosophy in Creative and Critical Writing
- Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Doctor of Philosophy in Education
- Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Materials Science
- Doctor of Philosophy in English
- Doctor of Philosophy in Forestry
- Doctor of Philosophy in French and Francophone Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Geography
- Doctor of Philosophy in Health Economics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Hispanic Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in History
- Doctor of Philosophy in Image Processing for Mobile Devices
- Doctor of Philosophy in Implementation
- Doctor of Philosophy in in Heritage
- Doctor of Philosophy in Laser Micromachining and Laboratory-on-a-Chip
- Doctor of Philosophy in Law
- Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Medical Visualization and Simulation
- Doctor of Philosophy in Ocean Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Optical Communications
- Doctor of Philosophy in Optoelectronics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Organic Electronics
- Doctor of Philosophy in Pattern Recognition/Classifiers
- Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy and Religion
- Doctor of Philosophy in Professional Writing, Film, Media, New Media, Journalism, Creative Studies, Drama, Professional Writing
- Doctor of Philosophy in Psychology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Renewable Materials
- Doctor of Philosophy in Social Policy, Sociology
- Doctor of Philosophy in Soil and Environmental Science
- Doctor of Philosophy in Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences
- Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Translation Studies
- Doctor of Philosophy in Welsh History
- Doctor of Philosophy in Welsh Literature
- Doctor of Philosophy inin Music
Die Bangor University bietet eine Reihe an Postgraduate Certificates und Diplomas in verschiedenen Fachrichtungen an. Der Schwerpunkt der Aufbaustudiengänge der Bangor University liegt auf den Postgraduate Certificates in Education (PGCE), die in der Regel ein Jahr dauern.
Die Studiengebühren variieren je nach Programm und können in dem unten stehenden Link eingesehen werden.
Für die Teilnahme an einem Aufbaustudiengang benötigt man einen Bachelorabschluss mit Honours, der aus dem gleichen Fachbereich stammen sollte. Je nach Kurs kann es sein, dass noch weitere individuelle Vorgaben erfüllt werden müssen.
Außerdem müssen ausreichende Englischkenntnisse mit Hilfe einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem IELTS nachgewiesen werden.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Postgraduate | |
CAE | 185 |
IELTS | 7 |
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch
- Graduate Certificate in Emergency Practitioner
- Postgraduate Certificate in Acute Medical Care
- Postgraduate Certificate in Acute Surgical Care
- Postgraduate Certificate in Adult Nursing
- Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Clinical Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced Healthcare Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Advanced HEMS Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Applied Health Research
- Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical and Health Psychology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Clinical Sciences
- Postgraduate Certificate in Composition and Sonic Art
- Postgraduate Certificate in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Postgraduate Certificate in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Postgraduate Certificate in Contraception / Associated Health
- Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling
- Postgraduate Certificate in Criminology and Sociology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Criminology and Sociology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Critical Care
- Postgraduate Certificate in Dementia Studies
- Postgraduate Certificate in Diabetes Care and Management
- Postgraduate Certificate in Diabetes Care and Management
- Postgraduate Certificate in Graduate Certificate in Chronic Disease
- Postgraduate Certificate in Healthcare Doctor in Healthcare
- Postgraduate Certificate in Leading Quality Improvement
- Postgraduate Certificate in Legal and Ethical Concepts in Healthcare and Social Care
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medieval Studies
- Postgraduate Certificate in Mental Health
- Postgraduate Certificate in Midwifery Studies
- Postgraduate Certificate in Music
- Postgraduate Certificate in Music with Education
- Postgraduate Certificate in Neuroimaging
- Postgraduate Certificate in Non-surgical Aesthetic Medicine
- Postgraduate Certificate in Optimising Breastfeeding
- Postgraduate Certificate in Optimising Childbirth
- Postgraduate Certificate in Palliative Care Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Positive Behaviour Support
- Postgraduate Certificate in Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Psychological Research
- Postgraduate Certificate in Psychology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Social Policy
- Postgraduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise Physiology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Sport and Exercise Sciences
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Biology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Chemistry
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Design and Technology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Mathematics
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Outdoor Activities
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Physical Education
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Physics
- Postgraduate Certificate in Teacher Training - Primary Education
- Postgraduate Certificate in The Celts
- Postgraduate Diploma in Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Sciences
- Postgraduate Diploma in Creative Writing
- Postgraduate Diploma in English Literature
- Postgraduate Diploma in Literature of Wales
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medieval Studies
- Postgraduate Diploma in Performance
- Postgraduate Diploma in Welsh History
Internationale Bachelor- und Masterstudierende haben die Möglichkeit, ein Auslandssemester oder ein ganzes akademisches Jahr an der Bangor University zu verbringen.
Das Studienangebot ist vielfältig und beinhaltet Fachbereiche wie Business, Law, Psychology, Engineering oder Naturwissenschaften. Die Studierenden wählen die Module vor Ort und können ihre Wahl mit einem Academic Tutor besprechen.
Aufgrund des Brexits gelten für Studierende aus der EU ab September 2021 nicht mehr die vergünstigen Studiengebühren für UK/Home Students.
Zur Finanzierung des Auslandssemesters an der Bangor University können Studierende zum Beispiel Auslands-BAföG beantragen. Dafür muss ein individueller Anspruch auf Förderung bestehen. Neben einem Zuschuss zu den Studiengebühren in Höhe von bis zu EUR 5.600 beinhaltet es Unterstützung bei den Lebenshaltungs- und Reisekosten sowie der Krankenversicherung.
Für die Programmteilnahme sind ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse erforderlich. Als Sprachnachweis dient dabei ein standardisierter Sprachtest wie der IELTS. Auch ein Duolingo Sprachtest wird als Nachweis akzeptiert.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | |
Bescheinigung der Heimathochschule | B2 | B2 |
IELTS | 6.0 | 6.0 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 75 (Listening 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20, Writing 18) | 75 (Listening 17, Reading 18, Speaking 20, Writing 18) |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nachgereicht werden.
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Economics (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting & Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Accounting/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Astudiaethau Busnes a Chymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Banking/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Bus Stud with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Business
- Bachelor of Arts in Business
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Computer Information Systems
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Computer Information Systems
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Law
- Bachelor of Arts in Business and Law (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Stud & Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Finance
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Marketing (with International Exp)
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Business Studies/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & French with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & French with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and French BA/CHFR
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and French with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and German with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Italian BA/CHIT
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative & Professional Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Stds & English Lang.
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Stds & English Lang.
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Studies (4 year with Incorporated Foundation) BA/CST1
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative Studies and Music BA/CSTMUS
- Bachelor of Arts in Creative&Professional Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Just (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Criminology/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg and Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Cymraeg/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Economics/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lang with Media Stds
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and French
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and German
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language for TEFL
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language with Creative Writing (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language with English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language with Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English Lit with Creative Writing with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature & Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in English Literature with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies &Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and History
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and History
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies with Game Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Fine Art
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in French & German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French & German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Italian with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in French with German
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Psychology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French with Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in French, German & Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in French, German & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French, Italian & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Italian (4 years)
- Bachelor of Arts in French/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Italian with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Italian with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German & Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in German and Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in German with French
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in German with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German, Italian & Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Banking
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in German/French
- Bachelor of Arts in German/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care / Criminology & Criminal Justice
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care/Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Health & Social Care/Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Herit, Archaeology & History
- Bachelor of Arts in Heritage, Archaeology & History with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in History (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in History and Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in History and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in History and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in History and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Archaeology with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Film Studies with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Film Studies with International Experience
- Bachelor of Arts in History with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in History/French
- Bachelor of Arts in History/French
- Bachelor of Arts in History/German
- Bachelor of Arts in History/German
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in History/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in International English Language for TEFL
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian & Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian & Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian and Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism and Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Law with Politics
- Bachelor of Arts in Ling with Eng Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics & the English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics & the English Language with International Exp
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics and Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Management with Accounting
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and French (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and German (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Italian (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Italian (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Spanish (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing and Spanish (4 year)
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Marketing with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Stud with Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Stud with Spanish (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Stud with Theatre & Perform (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies & Creative Wrtng
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with Game Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Media Studies with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Mediaeval and Early Modern His
- Bachelor of Arts in Modern & Contemporary History
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Music & Hist & Welsh Hist (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music & Hist & Welsh Hist (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Music and Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Music and Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Arts in Music and Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Arts in Music and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Game Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Music with Theatre and Performance
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Music/Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and French
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and German
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and History
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Welsh
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy and Religion and Welsh History
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics
- Bachelor of Arts in Politics and Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing & Film
- Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing and Media
- Bachelor of Arts in Professional Writing with Game Design
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in S Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy & Economics (4 year with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy and Criminology and Criminal Justice (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Criminology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Policy/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Criminology & Crim Just with International Ex
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology & Economics (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and English Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Social Policy
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Economics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology/Psychologyt
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish & Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish & Creative Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Business Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Creative Writing
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with French
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with German
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish/Sports Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Sport Science and Business Management
- Bachelor of Arts in Sport Science and Marketing
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/French
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Sports Science/German
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History and Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History and Film Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History with Archaeology
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/Cymraeg
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/History
- Bachelor of Arts in Welsh History/Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Wildlife Conservation
- Bachelor of Arts in Zoology
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering (4 year with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Sys Engineering (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering (with International Exper)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systs Eng (3 years)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering (3 years)
- Bachelor of Engineering in Electronic Engineering with International Experience
- Bachelor of Law in (European) Law with French
- Bachelor of Law in (European) Law with German
- Bachelor of Law in (European) Law with Italian
- Bachelor of Law in (European) Law with Spanish
- Bachelor of Law in English Law and French Law
- Bachelor of Law in Law
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Acc and Finance
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Accounting & Finance (4yr with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Business (4year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Business Studiest
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Chinese
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Chineset
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Contemporary Chinese Studies
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Creative Media Writing
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Creative Media Writing
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Creative Media Writing (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Creative Media Writing (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Criminology
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Criminology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Criminology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with English Literature
- Bachelor of Law in Law with English Literature (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with French
- Bachelor of Law in Law with French (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with French (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with German (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with German (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with History
- Bachelor of Law in Law with History
- Bachelor of Law in Law with History (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with History (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Italian (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Italian (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Media Studies
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Media Studies (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Media Studies (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Philosophy and Religion
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Philosophy and Religiont
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Social Policy
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Social Policy (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Spanish (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Spanish (European Experience)
- Bachelor of Law in Law with Welsh
- Bachelor of Law with Accounting & Finance (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Law with English Literature (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Law with Law with Business (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Music in Music (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Banking
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Banking (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Banking with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economics (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Economics with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Finance )
- Bachelor of Science in Adventure Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Marine Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Software Engineering (Degree Apprenticeship)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking and Finance (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Banking with Financial Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry with Foundation Year
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Biology with Biotechnology
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with Foundation Year
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Science with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Business Analytics with Financial Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Economics with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Business Stud & Finance (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies & Marketing (4 year with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Finance (4 year with Incorp Foundation)t
- Bachelor of Science in Business Studies and Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Clinical Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Coastal Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Sys for Bus (4 year w Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Information Systems for Business
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science for Business
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science for Business (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science with Games Design
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Sys Engineering (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation & Forest Ecosys.
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation and Forest Ecosys
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry (four year)
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation with Forestry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Creative Technologies
- Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Machine Learning
- Bachelor of Science in Data Science and Visualisation
- Bachelor of Science in Design and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering and Music
- Bachelor of Science in Electronic Engineering and Music
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Conservation (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Science (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics (4 year w Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Financial Economics (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry D501 BSc Forestry (with sandwich placement)
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geography (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Geography with Environmental Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Geography with Environmental Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Oceanography
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Oceanography (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Account (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Accounting
- Bachelor of Science in Management with Accounting (4 year with Incorp Found)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology and Zoology (with International Exp)
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology/Oceanography
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Biology/Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Environmental Stud with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Environmental Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Marine Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Marketing (Bangor International College)
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Science
- Bachelor of Science in Product Design
- Bachelor of Science in Product Design with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology w Clin & Health Psy (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business (4yr with Incorp Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Business with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Child Language Development (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Childhood Development
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Clinical & Health Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Clinical & Health Psychology (International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Forensic Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Neuropsy (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology with Neuropsychology (4 year with Incorporated Foundation)
- Bachelor of Science in Psycholy with Neuropsychology
- Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science (ODA)
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science (Outdoor Activities)
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Business
- Bachelor of Science in Sport Science and Business
- Bachelor of Science in Sport, Health & Exercise Science
- Bachelor of Science in Sport- Health & Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (Outdoor Activities) (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Sports Science (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Animal Behaviour
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Animal Behaviour (with International Experience)
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Climate Change Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Conservation
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Conservation with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Herpetology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with International Experience
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Marine Zoology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology with Marine Zoology (with International Experience)
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Psychology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Social Policy
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood and Youth Studies and Sociology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Psychology
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Social Policy
- Bachelor or Arts in Childhood Studies/Sociology
- Bachelor or Arts in German/Spanish (4 years)
- Bachelor or Arts in Primary Education
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
- Certificate in Art
- Certificate in Biology
- Certificate in Chemistry
- Certificate in Cymraeg
- Certificate in Higher Education
- Certificate in Mathematics
- Certificate in Music
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Art
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Biology
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Chem
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Maths
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Music
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: Physics
- Certificate in Outdoor Activities: RE
- Certificate in Physical Education
- Certificate in Physics
- Certificate in Religious Education
- Diploma in Celtic Archaeology
- Diploma in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Diploma in Creative Writing (English)
- Diploma in Education Studies
- Diploma in English
- Diploma in History
- Diploma in Mindfulness-Based Approaches
- Diploma in Teaching Mindfulness-Based Courses
- Diploma in Welsh History
- Diploma in Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics for TEFL
- Master of Arts in Arthurian Literature
- Master of Arts in Banking and Law (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Arts in Bilingualism
- Master of Arts in Business and Marketing
- Master of Arts in Business and Marketing (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Arts in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Arts in Celtic Archaeology
- Master of Arts in Comparative Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Master of Arts in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Master of Arts in Countryside Management
- Master of Arts in Creative Writing (English)
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Law
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Sociology
- Master of Arts in Documentary
- Master of Arts in Education Studies
- Master of Arts in Education Studies (part-time)
- Master of Arts in English
- Master of Arts in English Literature
- Master of Arts in European Languages and Cultures
- Master of Arts in European Studies
- Master of Arts in Film Studies
- Master of Arts in Filmmaking: Concept to Screen
- Master of Arts in Fine Art
- Master of Arts in History
- Master of Arts in Iaith a Llenyddiaeth Gymraeg
- Master of Arts in Language Policy and Planning
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Literatures of Wales
- Master of Arts in Mindfulness Based Approaches (3yr)
- Master of Arts in Mindfulness-Based Approaches (5yr)
- Master of Arts in Music
- Master of Arts in Music and Management
- Master of Arts in Music with Education
- Master of Arts in Performance Psychology
- Master of Arts in Polisi a Chynllunio Ieithyddol
- Master of Arts in Psychology
- Master of Arts in Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol Gynaliadwy
- Master of Arts in Social Policy
- Master of Arts in Sociology
- Master of Arts in Sport History, Culture and Media
- Master of Arts in The Celts
- Master of Arts in Translation Studies
- Master of Arts in Welsh History
- Master of Arts in Ysgrifennu Creadigol
- Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance
- Master of Business Administration in Banking and Finance (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Business Administration in Banking and Law
- Master of Business Administration in Chartered Banker
- Master of Business Administration in Environmental Management
- Master of Business Administration in Environmental Management (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Business Administration in Finance
- Master of Business Administration in Finance (10 month)
- Master of Business Administration in Information Management
- Master of Business Administration in Information Management (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Business Administration in International Business
- Master of Business Administration in International Business (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Business Administration in International Marketing
- Master of Business Administration in Investment Management (10 month)
- Master of Business Administration in Islamic Banking & Finance (with incorp pre-Masters)
- Master of Business Administration in Islamic Banking and Finance
- Master of Business Administration in Law and Management
- Master of Business Administration in Management
- Master of Business Administration in Management (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Education in Education Studies
- Master of Law in International Commercial and Business Law
- Master of Law in International Criminal Law & Intl Human Rights Law
- Master of Law in International Intellectual Property Law
- Master of Law in International Law
- Master of Law in Law and Banking
- Master of Law in Law and Criminology
- Master of Law in Law of the Sea
- Master of Law in Laws
- Master of Law in Maritime Law
- Master of Law in Public Procurement Law and Strategy
- Master of Music in Composition and Sonic Art
- Master of Music in Performance
- Master of Science in Accounting
- Master of Science in Accounting (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance
- Master of Science in Accounting and Finance (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice
- Master of Science in Advanced Clinical Practice (AHP)
- Master of Science in Advanced Computer Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Data Science
- Master of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Technology and Systems
- Master of Science in Agroforestry and Food Security
- Master of Science in Analytical Chemistry
- Master of Science in Applied Behaviour Analysis
- Master of Science in Applied Behaviour Analysis with Practicum
- Master of Science in Applied Innovation Design
- Master of Science in Applied Marine Geoscience
- Master of Science in Applied Marketing Science
- Master of Science in Applied Mental Health Practice
- Master of Science in Applied Sport and Exercise Physiology
- Master of Science in Applied Sports Science
- Master of Science in Banking & Finance (Chartered Banker)
- Master of Science in Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Biomedical Science
- Master of Science in Broadband and Optical Communication
- Master of Science in Business with Consumer Psychology
- Master of Science in Clinical and Health Psychology
- Master of Science in Clinical Science
- Master of Science in Computer Science
- Master of Science in Computer Science with Artificial Intelligence
- Master of Science in Computer Science with Security
- Master of Science in Computer Science with Visualisation
- Master of Science in Computing for Data Science
- Master of Science in Conservation and Land Management
- Master of Science in Consumer Psychology with Business
- Master of Science in Counselling
- Master of Science in Data Science
- Master of Science in Dementia Studies
- Master of Science in Educational Leadership
- Master of Science in Electronic Engineering
- Master of Science in Environmental and Business Management
- Master of Science in Environmental Forestry
- Master of Science in Exercise Rehabilitation
- Master of Science in Finance
- Master of Science in Finance (10 month)
- Master of Science in Finance (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Science in Food Security in the Changing Environment
- Master of Science in Forestry (Distance Learning)
- Master of Science in Foundations of Clinical Neuropsychology
- Master of Science in Genomics and Precision Medicine
- Master of Science in International Media & Management
- Master of Science in Investment Management
- Master of Science in Investment Management (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Science in Islamic Banking and Finance
- Master of Science in Language Acquisition & Development
- Master of Science in Leading Quality Improvement
- Master of Science in Management and Finance
- Master of Science in Management and Finance (with Incorporated Pre-Masters)
- Master of Science in Marine Biology
- Master of Science in Marine Environmental Protection
- Master of Science in Marine Renewable Energy
- Master of Science in Medical Education Practice
- Master of Science in Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics
- Master of Science in Mindfulness Based Approaches (3yr)
- Master of Science in Mindfulness-Based Approaches (5yr)
- Master of Science in Molecular Biology with Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Nanotechnology and Microfabrication
- Master of Science in Neuroimaging
- Master of Science in Physical Oceanography
- Master of Science in Physician Associate Studies
- Master of Science in Positive Behaviour Support
- Master of Science in Principles of Clinical Neuropsychology
- Master of Science in Psychological Research
- Master of Science in Psychology
- Master of Science in Public Health and Health Promotion
- Master of Science in Rheolaeth Amgylcheddol Gynaliadwy
- Master of Science in Rise of the Machines
- Master of Science in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- Master of Science in Sustainable Forest and Nature Management
- Master of Science in Sustainable Tropical Forestry
- Master of Science in Tropical Forestry (Distance Learning)
- Master of Science in Wetland Science and Conservation
- Master of Science in Wetland Science for Pollution Control
- PG Diploma in Adult Nursing (pre-registration)
- PGCE Primary Education (leading to Qualified Teacher Status)
- Postgraduate Certificate in Medical Education Practice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology
- Postgraduate Certificate in Tropical Forestry
- Postgraduate Diploma in Medical Molecular Biology with Genetics
- Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy