University of Wisconsin-Madison
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Erfahrungsberichte zu dieser Hochschule
4 Bewertungen
Die University of Wisconsin-Madison wurde 1848 gegründet und ist mit 13 anderen Universitäten Teil des University of Wisconsin-Systems, eines der größten staatlichen Hochschulsysteme in den USA. Mit ihren 42.000 Studierenden, gehört sie außerdem zu den größten und renommiertesten staatlichen Universitäten in den USA. Sie ist ein Mitglied der Association of American Universities, einem seit 1900 bestehenden Verbund führender forschungsstarker nordamerikanischer Universitäten und wird als Public Ivy bezeichnet. Zudem gehört sie zu den Top 10 der amerikanischen Universitäten mit den meisten internationalen Studierenden.
Noch dazu gilt die UW Madison als eine der besten Universitäten in Sachen Campusleben. Hier erhältst du eine klassisch-amerikanische Collegeerfahrung: die wunderbare Architektur, jede Menge Verbindungshäuser, persönliche Betreuung durch kompetente Professoren und natürlich die Sportveranstaltungen der heimischen Teams. Der Campus sieht so bilderbuchartig aus, dass er sogar schon mehrfach für Filmproduktionen als Drehort genutzt wurde!
Die UW-Madison ist eine erfolgreiche Forschungseinrichtung und bietet ihren Studierenden eine erstklassige Lehre. Besonders renommierte Studienrichtungen umfassen Bildung, Gesundheitswesen, Ingenieurwesen, Jura, Medizin, Public Affairs und Wirtschaft. Außerem hat die UW-Madison zwanzig Nobelpreisträger hervorgebracht!
Die UW-Madison ist in mehr als 230 verschiedene Abteilungen und Studienprogramme unterteilt. Studierende, die von College Contact an die UW-Madison vermittelt werden, können an dem Visiting International Student Program teilnehmen und dafür aus etwa 145 Bachelor- und 200 Masterprogrammen die passende Fächerkombination für sich zusammenstellen.
Die Wisconsin-Union bietet ihren Studierenden zahlreiche Möglichkeiten, sich am bunten Campusleben einzubringen und an sportlichen sowie kulturellen Aktivitäten teilzunehmen. In mehr als 1000 Studentenorganisationen können sich die Studierenden engagieren.
Die UW-Madison liegt in der Stadt Madison nahe des Kapitols am Südufer des Lake Mendota. Der Hauptcampus erstreckt sich auf einer Fläche von fast 4 km² und macht den Eindruck von einer „Stadt in der Stadt“, da sich dort alles befindet was man im Studium und in der Freizeit benötigt. Mit einer eigenen Polizei, der „UW-Madison Police“, gilt der Campus als besonders sicher.
Gründungsjahr: 1848
Hochschultyp: Staatliche Hochschule
Anzahl Studenten: Gesamt 50633 , International 7626
- Credited by HLC (Higher Learning Commission)
- AACSB business accreditation
- ABET Engineering accreditation
Das reguläre Studienjahr der University of Wisconsin-Madison ist in zwei Semester unterteilt.
Spring 2025: 21.01.2025 - 02.05.2025
Fall 2025: 03.09.2025 - 18.12.2025
Über die folgenden Links gelangt ihr zum Kurskatalog und ggf. Stundenplan dieser Hochschule. Während der Kurskatalog vor allem einen Gesamtüberblick der angebotenen Studiengänge und ihres Curriculums liefert, findet ihr im Stundenplan die in den einzelnen Semestern tatsächlich angebotenen Kurse. Für Fragen zum Kursangebot stehen wir euch natürlich immer gern zur Verfügung.
Die University of Wisconsin-Madison liegt auf einer Landzunge zwischen dem Lake Mendota und dem Lake Monona. Da sich der Campus in der Stadt Madison befindet, verschmelzen die Innenstadt und das Hochschulgelände. 2011 wurde der Campus der UW-Madison von Travel+Leisure als eines der schönsten Universitätsgelände in den USA gekürt.
Auf dem Campus befinden sich verschiedene Museen wie zum Beispiel das Geology Museum, das Zoological Museum und das Physics Museum. Die UW-Madison besitzt die zwölft-größte Forschungsbibliothek in den USA. Der Campus verfügt über einige „National Historic Landmark“ Gebäude. Das Bascom Hill Historic District besitzt einige der ältesten Gebäude des Campus. Zahlreiche Parkanlagen und Cafés laden zum Entspannen ein. Die Universität hat ein eigenes Krankenhaus, Restaurants, Sportanlagen und einen botanischen Garten. Zudem unterhält die größte Universität des "Dairyland of America" eine eigene Molkerei.
Die UW-Madison bietet internationalen Studierenden eine begrenzte Anzahl an Zimmern in Studentenwohnheimen und in Apartments auf dem Campus an. Viele Austauschstudierende wohnen in privaten Unterkünften in der Nähe der UW-Madison. Die „Madison Friends of International Students“ bieten Austauschstudenten auch Unterkünfte für kurze Aufenthalte an.
Folgende Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten stehen zur Auswahl:
- Studentenwohnheim
- Apartment auf dem Campus
- Private Apartments / Hotels
Die konkrete Verfügbarkeit der einzelnen Unterkunftsmöglichkeiten kann je nach Studienprogramm variieren. Detaillierte Informationen findet ihr über die Links oder in der "Gratisbroschüre" zum jeweiligen Programm. Für Fragen stehen wir euch gern zur Verfügung.
Die Hochschulstadt Madison
Die Hochschulstadt Madison ist sowohl für Naturliebhaber als auch für Stadtmenschen eine geeignete Wahl um ein Auslandssemester zu absolvieren. Madison ist mit 252,551 Einwohner die zweitgrößte Stadt des Bundesstaates Wisconsin. Die Hauptstadt des „cheese state“ wird oft als „one of the best places to live in the U.S.“ ausgewählt. Größere Städte wie Milwaukee, Chicago und Minneapolis sind gut mit dem Bus erreichbar.
Madison hat mit einer großen Kunst- und Musikszene, zahlreichen Einkaufsmöglichkeiten, preisgekrönten Restaurants und Sportveranstaltungen einiges zu bieten. Sie ist eine sehr fahrradfreundliche Stadt und bietet das ganze Jahr über die Möglichkeit an Outdoor Aktivitäten teilzunehmen. Im Winter kann man sich mit dem Ski- und Snowboardfahren fit halten während man im Sommer wandern, segeln oder schwimmen kann.
Das weiße Granitgebäude des im Renaissance-Stil gehaltenen Capitols dominiert die Skyline. Am Ende der State Street befindet sich eine Beobachtungsplattform mit einer beeindruckenden Aussicht über die City of Lakes.
Die Bevölkerung ist sehr kreativ, naturgebunden und hat einen hohen Bildungsstandard. Das Klima ist angenehm, im Durchschnitt gibt es 187 sonnige Tage pro Jahr.
Aktuellste News zur Hochschule
Instagram Takeover aus den USA: Julias Auslandssemester an der University of Wisconsin-Madison
Stipendiatin Julia ist 24 Jahre alt und studiert an der Leibniz Universität Hannover Wirtschaftswissenschaften im Master. Ihr Auslandssemester als Free Mover verbringt sie im Herbst an der University of Wisconsin-Madison in den USA.
Schau hier rein, wenn du sie vor ihren Takeover im Oktober schon einmal besser kennenlernen möchtest.
Traumhochschule gefunden?
Ansonsten haben wir noch viele weitere Hochschulen im Angebot, schau einfach mal rein! Wir beraten dich gern zu deinen Studienmöglichkeiten im Ausland.
Das Visiting International Student Program (VISP) ermöglicht internationalen Studierenden ein oder mehrere Auslandssemester an der UW-Madison zu studieren. Bachelor- und Masterstudierende können an allen regulären Studienprogrammen teilnehmen.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit können sich die Teilnehmer des VISP Programms auf einen akademischen Bereich spezialisieren (Thematic VISP Track) oder Fächerkombinationen aus unterschiedlichen Fakultäten zusammenstellen (Traditional VISP Track). Das VISP Programm bietet eine Orientierungsveranstaltung vor Ort an.
Spring 2025Postgraduate Tuition (12 Credits)16879,00 USDUndergraduate Tuition (12 Credits)14414,00 USDPostgraduate Tuition (9 Credits)11650,00 USDPostgraduate Tuition (8 Credits)9881,00 USD
Fall 2025Postgraduate Tuition (12 Credits)16879,00 USDUndergraduate Tuition (12 Credits)15555,00 USDPostgraduate Tuition (9 Credits)11650,00 USDPostgraduate Tuition (8 Credits)9881,00 USD
Die offiziellen Studiengebühren für das Undergraduate VISP mit den visumsbedingt vorgeschriebenen 12 Credits fallen eigentlich höher aus als hier angegeben. Alle Bachelorstudierenden, die mit College Contact an dem Undergraduate VISP teilnehmen, erhalten jedoch automatisch eine Ermäßigung der Studiengebühren von US$ 5000. Diese Ermäßigung wurde in den obenstehenden Gebühren bereits berücksichtigt.
Dasselbe gilt für Masterstudierende, die im Graduate VISP mindestens 12 Credits belegen möchten.
Visumsbedingt sind im Masterbereich jedoch nur 8 Credits vorgeschrieben, um Vollzeitstatus zu erlangen. Studierende, die sich für diese Variante entscheiden, erhalten eine Ermäßigung in Höhe von US$ 3000, die in den oben aufgeführten Gebühren ebenfalls bereits einberechnet wurde.
Weitere Informationen bietet der untenstehende Link.
Wer für ein Auslandssemester an die UW-Madison geht, kann unter anderem Auslands-BAföG beantragen. Förderungsberechtigte Studierende erhalten einen Zuschuss zu den Studiengebühren bis zu EUR 5.600, eine Reisekostenpauschale und einen Zuschuss zu Krankenversicherung und Lebenshaltungskosten.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Das Visiting International Student Program (VISP) der UW-Madison richtet sich an Bachelor- und Masterstudierende aller Fachrichtungen mit guten bis sehr guten akademischen Leistungen.
Bachelorstudierende müssen mindestens ein Semester an ihrer Heimatuniversität absolviert haben. Außerdem müssen sie einen Grade Point Average (GPA) von 3.0 oder 4.0 vorweisen. Ein GPA von 3,0 entspricht im deutschen Notensystem einer 2,0; ein GPA von 4,0 entspricht einer 1,0.
Studierende, die an den Graduate-Kursen teilnehmen wollen, müssen über ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium verfügen. Sie müssen noch nicht in einem Masterstudium an der Heimathochschule eingeschrieben sein.
Für das Programm ist eine Mindestanzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem TOEFL oder IELTS obligatorisch.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | |
DAAD Sprachtest | C1-Niveau in allen Bereichen | C1-Niveau in allen Bereichen |
Duolingo | 105 | 105 |
IELTS | 6.5 | 6.5 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 80 | 80 |
TOEIC | 685 |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Bachelor of Arts in African Languages and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Afro-American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts in Art Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Art History
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Botany
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Classical Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Classics
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts
- Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Japanese
- Bachelor of Arts in Jewish Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Cultures of Asia
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Microbiology
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts in Polish
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese
- Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Russian
- Bachelor of Arts in Scandinavian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Zoology
- Bachelor of Music in Music - Education
- Bachelor of Music in Music - Performance
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Business Management
- Bachelor of Science in Agronomy
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Astronomy – Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
- Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Bachelor of Science in Community and Environmental Sociology
- Bachelor of Science in Community and Nonprofit Leadership
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science
- Bachelor of Science in Dance
- Bachelor of Science in Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Education Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Entomology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science
- Bachelor of Science in Forest Science
- Bachelor of Science in Genetics
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geophysics
- Bachelor of Science in History and History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
- Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Communication
- Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Naval Science
- Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology
- Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences - Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science in Personal Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Plant Pathology
- Bachelor of Science in Poultry Science
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Retailing and Consumer Behavior
- Bachelor of Science in Soil Science
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
- Bachelor of Science in Textiles and Fashion Design
- Bachelor of Science in Theatre and Drama
- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Special Education
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Accounting
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Actuarial Science
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Finance, Investment, and Banking
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Information Systems
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - International Business
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Management and Human Resources
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Marketing
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Operations and Technology Management
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Real Estate and Urban Land Economics
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Risk Management and Insurance
- Certificate in Asian American Studies
- Certificate in Biology Core Curriculum Honors
- Certificate in Biology in Engineering for Engineering Majors
- Certificate in Business
- Certificate in Business Management for Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Certificate in Celtic Studies
- Certificate in Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies
- Certificate in Chinese Professional Communications
- Certificate in Classical Studies
- Certificate in Computer Sciences
- Certificate in Criminal Justice
- Certificate in Dance
- Certificate in Development Economics
- Certificate in Digital Studies
- Certificate in East Asian Studies
- Certificate in East Central European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Certificate in Education and Educational Services
- Certificate in Educational Policy Studies
- Certificate in Engineering for Energy Sustainability
- Certificate in Engineering Thermal Energy Systems
- Certificate in Entrepreneurship
- Certificate in European Studies
- Certificate in Folklore
- Certificate in French
- Certificate in Global Cultures
- Certificate in Global Health
- Certificate in Health and the Humanities
- Certificate in Integrated Liberal Studies
- Certificate in Integrated Studies in Science, Engineering and Society
- Certificate in International Engineering
- Certificate in Introductory Studies in Dance/Movement Therapy
- Certificate in Japanese Professional Communication
- Certificate in LGBTQ+ Studies
- Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering
- Certificate in Material Culture Studies
- Certificate in Mathematics
- Certificate in Medieval Studies
- Certificate in Middle East Studies
- Certificate in Nuclear Engineering Materials
- Certificate in Pilates
- Certificate in Political Economy, Philosophy and Politics
- Certificate in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
- Certificate in South Asian Studies
- Certificate in Southeast Asian Studies
- Certificate in Spanish Studies for Business Students
- Certificate in Studio Art
- Certificate in Sustainability
- Certificate in Sustainability
- Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Certificate in Technical Communication
- Certificate in Technical Japanese Studies for Undergraduates
- Specialization in Health Care Management
- Specialization in Supply Chain Management
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
- Master of Accounting in Business - Accounting
- Master of Arts in African Languages and Literature
- Master of Arts in Afro-American Studies
- Master of Arts in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Master of Arts in Anthropology
- Master of Arts in Art
- Master of Arts in Art Education
- Master of Arts in Art History
- Master of Arts in Bussiness - Arts Administration
- Master of Arts in Chinese
- Master of Arts in Classical and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- Master of Arts in Communication Arts
- Master of Arts in Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies
- Master of Arts in Educational Policy Studies
- Master of Arts in English
- Master of Arts in French
- Master of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies
- Master of Arts in German
- Master of Arts in History
- Master of Arts in History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Master of Arts in Interdisciplinary Theatre Studies
- Master of Arts in Italian
- Master of Arts in Japanese
- Master of Arts in Journalism and Mass Communication
- Master of Arts in Languages and Cultures of Asia
- Master of Arts in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies
- Master of Arts in Library and Information Studies
- Master of Arts in Linguistics
- Master of Arts in Music
- Master of Arts in Philosophy
- Master of Arts in Political Science
- Master of Arts in Portuguese
- Master of Arts in Psychology
- Master of Arts in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
- Master of Arts in Scandinavian Studies
- Master of Arts in Slavic Languages and Literatures
- Master of Arts in Southeast Asian Studies
- Master of Arts in Spanish
- Master of Arts in Special Graduate Committee
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Arts Administration
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Finance, Investment, and Banking
- Master of Business Administration in Business - General Management
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Management and Human Resources
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Marketing
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Operations and Technology Management
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Risk Management and Insurance
- Master of Business Administration in Business - Supply Chain Management
- Master of Business Administration in Business Business - Real Estate and Urban Land Economics
- Master of Engineering in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Master of Engineering in Engineering
- Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Fine Arts in Art
- Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
- Master of Fine Arts in French Studies
- Master of Fine Arts in Human Ecology
- Master of Fine Arts in Theatre and Drama
- Master of International Public Affairs in International Public Affairs
- Master of Music in Music - Performance
- Master of Music in Music - Education
- Master of Public Affairs in Public Affairs
- Master of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Master of Science in Agroecology
- Master of Science in Agronomy
- Master of Science in Animal Sciences
- Master of Science in Anthropology
- Master of Science in Astronomy
- Master of Science in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- Master of Science in Bacteriology
- Master of Science in Biochemistry
- Master of Science in Biological Systems Engineering
- Master of Science in Biomedical Data Science
- Master of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Master of Science in Biometry
- Master of Science in Biophysics
- Master of Science in Biotechnology
- Master of Science in Botany
- Master of Science in Business - Marketing
- Master of Science in Business - Real Estate and Urban Land Economics
- Master of Science in Business - Supply Chain Management
- Master of Science in Business - Finance, Investment, and Banking
- Master of Science in Business - General Management
- Master of Science in Business - Management and Human Resources
- Master of Science in Business - Operations and Technology Management
- Master of Science in Business - Risk Management and Insurance
- Master of Science in Cancer Biology
- Master of Science in Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
- Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Biology
- Master of Science in Cellular and Molecular Pathology
- Master of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Master of Science in Chemistry
- Master of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering
- Master of Science in Clinical Investigation
- Master of Science in Clinical Nutrition
- Master of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Master of Science in Comparative Biomedical Sciences
- Master of Science in Computer Sciences
- Master of Science in Counseling
- Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction
- Master of Science in Dairy Science
- Master of Science in Economics
- Master of Science in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis
- Master of Science in Educational Psychology
- Master of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Master of Science in Endocrinology-Reproductive Physiology
- Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics
- Master of Science in Entomology
- Master of Science in Environment and Resources
- Master of Science in Environmental Chemistry and Technology
- Master of Science in Environmental Conservation
- Master of Science in Epidemiology
- Master of Science in Food Science
- Master of Science in Forestry
- Master of Science in Freshwater and Marine Science
- Master of Science in Genetics
- Master of Science in Geography
- Master of Science in Geological Engineering
- Master of Science in Geoscience
- Master of Science in Horticulture
- Master of Science in Human Ecology
- Master of Science in Industrial Engineering
- Master of Science in Kinesiology
- Master of Science in Landscape Architecture
- Master of Science in Life Sciences Communication
- Master of Science in Manufacturing Systems Engineering
- Master of Science in Materials Engineering
- Master of Science in Materials Science
- Master of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
- Master of Science in Mathematics
- Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Master of Science in Medical Physics
- Master of Science in Microbiology
- Master of Science in Molecular and Cellular Pharmacology
- Master of Science in Molecular and Environmental Toxicology
- Master of Science in Neuroscience
- Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering and Engineering Physics
- Master of Science in Nursing
- Master of Science in Nutritional Sciences
- Master of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Master of Science in Pharmacy
- Master of Science in Physics
- Master of Science in Physiology
- Master of Science in Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics
- Master of Science in Plant Pathology
- Master of Science in Population Health
- Master of Science in Rehabilitation Psychology
- Master of Science in Social and Administrative Sciences in Pharmacy
- Master of Science in Sociology
- Master of Science in Soil Science
- Master of Science in Special Education
- Master of Science in Special Graduate Committee
- Master of Science in Statistics
- Master of Science in Urban and Regional Planning
- Master of Science in Water Resources Management
- Master of Science in Wildlife Ecology
- Master of Science in Zoology
- Master of Social Work in Social Work
Die UW-Madison bietet internationalen Studierenden die Möglichkeit über das VISP-Programm an Summer Sessions teilzunehmen. Diese haben eine Dauer von vier bis acht Wochen und beinhalten über hundert Kurse aus dem regulären Studienangebot für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende. Von Chemie und Psychologie über Politikwissenschaften bis hin zu Mathematik und Ingenieurwesen ist alles dabei.
Eine Übersicht über alle Summer Session Zeiträume und das Kursangebot befindet sich im Kurskatalog der UW-Madison.
Die Studiengebühren für das Sommerprogramm an der UW-Madison werden auf der Grundlage von Credits berechnet. Die vierwöchigen Sessions decken jeweils drei Credits und die achtwöchige Session deckt sechs Credits ab. Zusätzlich zu den Studiengebühren werden eine International Student Services (ISS) Gebühr in Höhe von $100 sowie eine Verwaltungsgebühr in Höhe von $130 berechnet.
Bachelorstudierende, die sich für eine Summer Session an der UW-Madison bewerben wollen, müssen das erste Semester an ihrer Heimatuniversität abgeschlossen haben und darüber hinaus einen guten Notendurchschnitt vorweisen.
Studierende, die an den Graduate-Kursen teilnehmen möchten, müssen über ein abgeschlossenes Bachelorstudium verfügen.
Außerdem müssen die Bewerber mittels eines Sprachtests nachweisen, dass sie über ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse verfügen.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | Postgraduate | |
DAAD Sprachtest | C1-Niveau in allen Bereichen | C1-Niveau in allen Bereichen |
Duolingo English Test | 105 | 105 |
IELTS | 6.5 | 6.5 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 80 | 80 |
TOEFL (paper-based) | 550 | 550 |
iTEP Academic | 3,8 | 3,8 |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.
Summer 8-Week Session (DHH) (17.06.2024 - 11.08.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Anatomy & Physiology | ANAT&PHYS 335 | Physiology |
Anatomy & Physiology | ANAT&PHYS 338 | Human Anatomy Laboratory |
Botany | BOTANY 460 | General Ecology |
Chemistry | CHEM 103 | General Chemistry I |
Chemistry | CHEM 104 | General Chemistry II |
Chemistry | CHEM 327 | Fundamentals of Analytical Sci |
Chemistry | CHEM 343 | Organic Chemistry I |
Chemistry | CHEM 344 | Intro Organic Chemistry Lab |
Chemistry | CHEM 345 | Organic Chemistry II |
Chemistry | CHEM 563 | Physical Chemistry Lab I |
Chemistry | CHEM 564 | Physical Chemistry Lab II |
Computer Sciences | COMP SCI 200 | Programming I |
Computer Sciences | COMP SCI 532 | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Electrical And Computer Engineering | E C E 270 | Circuits Laboratory I |
Electrical And Computer Engineering | E C E 271 | Circuits Laboratory II |
Electrical And Computer Engineering | E C E 532 | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Engineering Mechanics & Aerospace Egineering | E M A 307 | Mechanics of Materials Lab |
English | ENGL 408 | Creative Writing: Fiction |
English As A Second Language | ESL 118 | Academic Writing II |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Inst | ENVIR ST 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Forest And Wildlife Ecology | F&W ECOL 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Forest And Wildlife Ecology | F&W ECOL 460 | General Ecology |
Geography | GEOG 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Geological Engineering | G L E 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Geoscience | GEOSCI 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Horticulture | HORT 187 | Plants and the Science of Survival |
Industrial & Systems Engineering | I SY E 210 | Introduction to Industrial Statistics |
Industrial & Systems Engineering | I SY E 549 | Human Factors Engineering |
Landscape Architecture | LAND ARC 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Mathematics | MATH 221 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry 1 |
Mathematics | MATH 222 | Calculus and Analytic Geometry 2 |
Mathematics | MATH 234 | Calculus--Functions of Several Variables |
Mathematics | MATH 320 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH 340 | Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 341 | Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 421 | The Theory of Single Variable Calculus |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 307 | Mechanics of Materials Lab |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 331 | Computer-Aided Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 361 | Thermodynamics |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 449 | Redesign and Prototype Fabrication |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 461 | Thermal Systems Modeling |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 491 | Mechanical Engineering Projects I |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 492 | Mechanical Engineering Projects II |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 532 | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Microbiology | MICROBIO 304 | Biology of Microorganisms |
Microbiology | MICROBIO 525 | Field Planetary Microbiology |
Music | MUSIC 102 | Jazz in 20th-Century America |
Neuroscience Training Program | NTP 675 | Molecular Approches to Neuroscience |
Oncology | ONCOLOGY 675 | Core Tech Protein & Genetic Engineering |
Oncology | ONCOLOGY 675 | Emerging Tech Protein Genetic Engineering |
Physical Therapy | PHY THER 521 | Physical Agents |
Physical Therapy | PHYS THER 542 | Medical Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Health Care Regulations |
Physical Therapy | PHYS THER 668 | Health Promotion and Wellness |
Physics | PHYSICS 104 | General Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 202 | General Physics |
Physics | PHYSICS 307 | Intermediate Laboratory-Mechanics and Modern Physics |
Plant Pathology | PL PATH 559 | Diseases of Economic Plants |
Psychology | PSYCH 549 | Human Factors Engineering |
Psychology | PSYCH 601 | Current Topics - Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 755 | Environments and Tools for Large-Scale Behavoiral Data Science |
Soil Science | SOIL SCI 630 | Field Methods for Environmental Characterization, Analysis, and Monitoring |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 160 | Technical Theatre Fundamentals |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 162 | Backstage Experience |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 360 | Performance in Practice |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 361 | Backstage Laboratory II |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 561 | Backstage Laboratory III |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Lighting-Perf Arts Teachers |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Safety-Perf Arts Teachers |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Theatre Management |
Zoology | ZOOLOGY 460 | General Ecology |
Summer 8-Week Session (DHH) (17.06.2024 - 11.08.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Anatomy & Physiology | ANAT&PHYS 335 | Physiology |
Anatomy & Physiology | ANAT&PHYS 338 | Human Anatomy Laboratory |
Botanyt | BOTANY 460 | General Ecology |
Chemistry | CHEM 327 | Fundamentals of Analytical Science |
Chemistry | CHEM 343 | Organic Chemistry I |
Chemistry | CHEM 344 | Intro Organic Chemistry Lab |
Chemistry | CHEM 345 | Organic Chemistry II |
Chemistry | CHEM 563 | Physical Chemistry Lab I |
Chemistry | CHEM 564 | Physical Chemistry Lab II |
Communication Science & Disorders | CS&D 713 | Intro-Medical Speech Pathology |
Computer Sciences | COMP SCI 532t | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis | ELPA 703 | Evaluating and Supporting Quality Classroom Teaching |
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis | ELPA 735 | Leadership for Equity & Diversity |
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis | ELPA 770 | Community Opportunity Justice |
Educational Leadership & Policy Analysis | ELPA 832 | Resource Allocation & Equity |
Educational Psychologyt | ED PSYCH 763 | Regression Models in Education |
Electrical And Computer Engineering | E C E 532 | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Engineering Mechanics & Aerospace Egineeringt | E M A 307 | Mechanics of Materials Lab |
English | ENGL 408 | Creative Writing: Fiction |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 843 | Land Use Policy & Planning |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 950 | Environmental Monitoring Seminar |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 951 | Conservation of Biodiversity |
Forest And Wildlife Ecology | F&W ECOL 371 | Introoduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Forest And Wildlife Ecology | F&W ECOL 460 | General Ecology |
Geography | GEOG 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Geological Engineering | G L E 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Geoscience | GEOSCI 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Industrial & Systems Engineering | I SY E 549 | Human Factors Engineering |
Integrated Science | INTEGSCI 750 | Instructional Materials Design |
Interdisciplinary Courses (Sohe) | INTER-HE 770 | Community Opportunity Justice |
Landscape Architecture | LAND ARC 371 | Introduction to Environmental Remote Sensing |
Mathematics | MATH 320 | Linear Algebra and Differential Equations |
Mathematics | MATH 340 | Elementary Matrix and Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 341 | Linear Algebra |
Mathematics | MATH 421 | The Theory of Single Variable Calculus |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 307 | Mechanics of Materials Lab |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 331 | Computer-Aided Engineering |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 361 | Thermodynamics |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 449 | Redesign and Prototype Fabrication |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 461 | Thermal Systems Modeling |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 491 | Mechanical Engineering Projects I |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 492 | Mechanical Engineering Projects II |
Mechanical Engineering | M E 532 | Matrix Methods in Machine Learning |
Microbiology | MICROBIO 304 | Biology of Microorganisms |
Microbiology | MICROBIO 525 | Field Planetary Microbiology |
Neuroscience Training Program | NTP 675 | Molecular Approches to Neuroscience |
Neuroscience Training Program | NTP 701 | Neuro-Scientific Design |
Oncology | ONCOLOGY 675 | Emerging Tech Protein Genetic Engineering |
Oncology | ONCOLOGY 675t | Core Tech Protein & Genetic Engineering |
Physical Therapy | PHY THER 521 | Physical Agents |
Physical Therapy | PHYS THER 542 | Medical Ethics, Jurisprudence, and Health Care Regulations |
Physical Therapy | PHYS THER 668 | Health Promotion and Wellness |
Physics t | PHYSICS 801 | Problem Solving in Physics |
Physicst | PHYSICS 307 | Intermediate Laboratory-Mechanics and Modern Physics |
Plant Pathology | PL PATH 559 | Diseases of Economic Plants |
Psychology | PSYCH 549 | Human Factors Engineering |
Psychology | PSYCH 601 | Current Topics – Psychology |
Psychology | PSYCH 755 | Environments and Tools for Large-Scale Behavoiral Data Science |
Soil Science | SOIL SCI 630 | Field Methods for Environmental Characterization, Analysis, and Monitoring |
Soil Science | SOIL SCI 730 | Colloquium: Environmental Remediation and Management |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 360 | Performance in Practice |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 361 | Backstage Laboratory II |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 561 | Backstage Laboratory III |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Lighting-Performing Arts Teachers |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Safety-Performing Arts Teachers |
Theatre And Drama | THEATRE 619 | Theatre Management |
Urban And Regional Planning | URB R PL 843 | Land Use Policy and Planning |
Zoologyt | ZOOLOGY 460 | General Ecology |
Summer 4-Week Session (DDD) (17.06.2024 - 14.07.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Agricultural And Applied Economics | A A E 375 | Inequality, Labor Marktes, Post Socialism |
Counseling Psychology | COUN PSY 550 | Strengthening Latinxs |
Curriculum And Instruction | CURRIC 357 | Game Design I |
Dance | DANCE 132 | Yoga |
Educational Policy Studies | ED POL 600 | Soc & Cult Approachs to Ed Pol |
Philosophy | PHILOS 211 | Elementary Logic |
Sociology | SOC 496 | Post-Socialism E Eur Cent Asia |
Summer 4-Week Session (DDD) (17.06.2024 - 14.07.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Agricultural And Applied Economics | A A E 375 | Inequality, Labor Markets, Post Socialism |
Counseling Psychology | COUN PSY 550 | Strengthening Latinxs |
Counseling Psychologyt | COUN PSY 729 | Advanced Social Psychology |
Curriculum And Instruction | CURRIC 357 | Game Design I |
Educational Policy Studies | ED POL 600 | Social and Cultural Approaches to Educational Policy |
Psychology | PSYCH 729 | Advanced Social Psychology |
Rehab Psychology & Special Education | RP & SE 729 | Advanced Social Psychology |
Sociology | SOC 496 | Post-Socialism E Eur Cent Asia |
Summer 4-Week Session (HDD) (15.07.2024 - 11.08.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Asian Languages And Cultures | ASIAN 371 | Cultural History of the Senses |
Comparative Literature | COMP LIT 203 | Science Fiction |
Curriculum And Instruction | CURRIC 432 | Game Design II |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 315 | Limnology-Aquatic Resources |
Management And Human Resources | M H R 310 | Challenges & Solutions in Business Sustainability |
Management And Human Resources | M H R 412 | Management Consulting |
Zoology | ZOOLOGY 315 | Limnology-Aquatic Resources |
Summer 4-Week Session (HDD) (15.07.2024 - 11.08.2024) - Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Postgraduate
Fachbereich | Kursnummer | Kursbezeichnung |
Asian Languages And Cultures | ASIAN 371 | Cultural History of the Senses |
Curriculum And Instruction | CURRIC 432 | Game Design II |
Curriculum And Instruction | CURRIC 737 | Linguistics for Educators |
Environmental Studies - Gaylord Nelson Institute | ENVIR ST 315 | Limnology-Aquatic Resources |
General Business | GEN BUS 745 | Robotic Process Automation |
Management And Human Resources | M H R 310 | Challenges & Solutions in Business Sustainability |
Management And Human Resources | M H R 412 | Management Consulting |
Zoology | ZOOLOGY 315 | Limonology-Aquatic Resources |
Im Rahmen des Visiting International Student Programs (VISP) können internationale Bewerber bereits gleich nach dem Abitur ein Academic Gap Year an der UW-Madison verbringen. Sie haben damit Gelegenheit, ein oder mehrere Semester lang einführende Bachelorkurse aus allen regulären Studienprogrammen der renommierten Universität zu belegen.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit können sich Gap Year-Studenten entweder auf einen bestimmten akademischen Bereich spezialisieren (Thematic VISP Track) oder ihre Kurse fachübergreifend aus unterschiedlichen Fakultäten zusammenstellen (Traditional VISP Track). Das VISP Programm bietet außerdem eine Orientierungsveranstaltung vor Ort an.
Spring 2025Tuition Fee15150,00 USD
Die genannten Studiengebühren für das VISP beinhalten die Belegung von 12 Credits. In ihnen ist außerdem bereits eine Ermäßigung von US$ 5000 auf die regulären Studiengebühren der Universität einberechnet, die für internationale Studenten eigentlich US$ 18,941 betragen. Diese Ermäßigung erhalten alle Studierenden, die über College Contact an dem Programm teilnehmen.
Zusätzlich zu den Studiengebühren fällt pro Semester eine Gebühr von US$ 100 International Student Services (ISS) an.
Hochschulspezifische Stipendien:
Das Visiting International Student Program (VISP) der UW-Madison richtet sich an leistungsstarke Bewerber mit guten bis sehr guten Leistungen im Abitur.
Sie müssen einen Grade Point Average (GPA) von 3.0 oder 4.0 vorweisen. Ein GPA von 3,0 entspricht im deutschen Notensystem einer 2,0; ein GPA von 4,0 entspricht einer 1,0.
Außerdem müssen ausreichend gute Englischkenntnisse durch das Erreichen einer Mindestpunktzahl in einem standardisierten Sprachtest wie dem TOEFL oder IELTS nachgewiesen werden.
Die Sprachkenntnisse können durch eines der folgenden Testergebnisse bzw. Dokumente nachgewiesen werden:
Undergraduate | |
Duolingo | 115 |
IELTS | 6.5 |
TOEFL (internet-based) | 80 |
TOEIC | 685 |
Der Sprachnachweis kann nicht nachgereicht werden.
Studiengänge/Kurse in Englisch - Undergraduate
- Bachelor of Arts in African Languages and Literature
- Bachelor of Arts in Afro-American Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology
- Bachelor of Arts in Art Education
- Bachelor of Arts in Art History
- Bachelor of Arts in Asian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Botany
- Bachelor of Arts in Chinese
- Bachelor of Arts in Classical Humanities
- Bachelor of Arts in Classics
- Bachelor of Arts in Communication Arts
- Bachelor of Arts in Comparative Literature and Folklore Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in French
- Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Women's Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Geography
- Bachelor of Arts in German
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in History
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Italian
- Bachelor of Arts in Japanese
- Bachelor of Arts in Jewish Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
- Bachelor of Arts in Languages and Cultures of Asia
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin
- Bachelor of Arts in Latin American, Caribbean, and Iberian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Linguistics
- Bachelor of Arts in Microbiology
- Bachelor of Arts in Music
- Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy
- Bachelor of Arts in Polish
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Portuguese
- Bachelor of Arts in Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Russian
- Bachelor of Arts in Scandinavian Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Welfare
- Bachelor of Arts in Sociology
- Bachelor of Arts in Spanish
- Bachelor of Arts in Zoology
- Bachelor of Music in Music - Education
- Bachelor of Music in Music - Performance
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Applied Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Business Management
- Bachelor of Science in Agronomy
- Bachelor of Science in Animal Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics, Engineering, and Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Astronomy – Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Athletic Training
- Bachelor of Science in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Biochemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Biological Systems Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Cartography and Geographic Information Systems
- Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Chemistry
- Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Communication Sciences and Disorders
- Bachelor of Science in Community and Environmental Sociology
- Bachelor of Science in Community and Nonprofit Leadership
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Dairy Science
- Bachelor of Science in Dance
- Bachelor of Science in Economics
- Bachelor of Science in Education Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Mechanics
- Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Entomology
- Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Food Science
- Bachelor of Science in Forest Science
- Bachelor of Science in Genetics
- Bachelor of Science in Geography
- Bachelor of Science in Geological Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Geology and Geophysics
- Bachelor of Science in History and History of Science, Medicine and Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
- Bachelor of Science in Human Development and Family Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Interior Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology
- Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture
- Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences Communication
- Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Naval Science
- Bachelor of Science in Neurobiology
- Bachelor of Science in Nuclear Engineering
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Nutritional Sciences - Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science in Personal Finance
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Physics
- Bachelor of Science in Plant Pathology
- Bachelor of Science in Poultry Science
- Bachelor of Science in Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Rehabilitation Psychology
- Bachelor of Science in Religious Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Retailing and Consumer Behavior
- Bachelor of Science in Soil Science
- Bachelor of Science in Statistics
- Bachelor of Science in Textiles and Fashion Design
- Bachelor of Science in Theatre and Drama
- Bachelor of Science in Wildlife Ecology
- Bachelor of Science in Zoology
- Bachelor of Social Work
- Bachelor of Special Education
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Accounting
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Actuarial Science
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Finance, Investment, and Banking
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Information Systems
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - International Business
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Management and Human Resources
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Marketing
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Operations and Technology Management
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Real Estate and Urban Land Economics
- Bacherlor of Business Administration in Business - Risk Management and Insurance
- Certificate in Asian American Studies
- Certificate in Biology Core Curriculum Honors
- Certificate in Biology in Engineering for Engineering Majors
- Certificate in Business
- Certificate in Business Management for Agricultural and Life Sciences
- Certificate in Celtic Studies
- Certificate in Chicana/o and Latina/o Studies
- Certificate in Chinese Professional Communications
- Certificate in Classical Studies
- Certificate in Computer Sciences
- Certificate in Criminal Justice
- Certificate in Dance
- Certificate in Development Economics
- Certificate in Digital Studies
- Certificate in East Asian Studies
- Certificate in East Central European Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
- Certificate in Education and Educational Services
- Certificate in Educational Policy Studies
- Certificate in Engineering for Energy Sustainability
- Certificate in Engineering Thermal Energy Systems
- Certificate in Entrepreneurship
- Certificate in European Studies
- Certificate in Folklore
- Certificate in French
- Certificate in Global Cultures
- Certificate in Global Health
- Certificate in Health and the Humanities
- Certificate in Integrated Liberal Studies
- Certificate in Integrated Studies in Science, Engineering and Society
- Certificate in International Engineering
- Certificate in Introductory Studies in Dance/Movement Therapy
- Certificate in Japanese Professional Communication
- Certificate in LGBTQ+ Studies
- Certificate in Manufacturing Engineering
- Certificate in Material Culture Studies
- Certificate in Mathematics
- Certificate in Medieval Studies
- Certificate in Middle East Studies
- Certificate in Nuclear Engineering Materials
- Certificate in Pilates
- Certificate in Political Economy, Philosophy and Politics
- Certificate in Russian, East European and Central Asian Studies
- Certificate in South Asian Studies
- Certificate in Southeast Asian Studies
- Certificate in Spanish Studies for Business Students
- Certificate in Studio Art
- Certificate in Sustainability
- Certificate in Sustainability
- Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages
- Certificate in Technical Communication
- Certificate in Technical Japanese Studies for Undergraduates
- Specialization in Health Care Management
- Specialization in Supply Chain Management